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Great Halloween weekend! and did their teeth glow too?

No, but the noobs quickly learned not to leave their coolers outside, because that many coons can carry the largest cooler away. The veteran campers locked their coolers in their cars... and we all assumed that someday, those critters would figure out how to pick locks.

No, but the noobs quickly learned not to leave their coolers outside, because that many coons can carry the largest cooler away. The veteran campers locked their coolers in their cars... and we all assumed that someday, those critters would figure out how to pick locks.

. . . and hot wire an ignition.
No, but the noobs quickly learned not to leave their coolers outside, because that many coons can carry the largest cooler away. The veteran campers locked their coolers in their cars... and we all assumed that someday, those critters would figure out how to pick locks.

Wouldn't surprise me any.
I am also surprised that the brick works to keep them out of the garbage. Maybe they have an easier source of garbage and can't be bothered with yours. A friend of mine has seen squirrels working together and getting a garbage can open. So, I'm pretty sure that those raccoons could move that brick if they wanted to.
I am also surprised that the brick works to keep them out of the garbage. Maybe they have an easier source of garbage and can't be bothered with yours. A friend of mine has seen squirrels working together and getting a garbage can open. So, I'm pretty sure that those raccoons could move that brick if they wanted to.
I completely expected them to move the brick, but, thankfully, they haven't.
I am also surprised that the brick works to keep them out of the garbage. Maybe they have an easier source of garbage and can't be bothered with yours. A friend of mine has seen squirrels working together and getting a garbage can open. So, I'm pretty sure that those raccoons could move that brick if they wanted to.

We have these trash and recycling carts where I live, and surprisingly, the raccoons don't seem to be able to get into them. I assume the designers of these carts took raccoons and other animals into account.


We have these trash and recycling carts where I live, and surprisingly, the raccoons don't seem to be able to get into them. I assume the designers of these carts took raccoons and other animals into account.

View attachment 70724

Is there anything special about them? Where does the can open? There seem to be two different spots that could be the handle where you slide your fingers under to lift
Is there anything special about them? Where does the can open? There seem to be two different spots that could be the handle where you slide your fingers under to lift

They open on a hinge on the lid. The side up against the fence in that photo is where the hinge is, so the way mine are situated, the lid opens away from me. These things are too big and heavy to lift. They are lifted into the truck by an arm on the trash truck.


I keep mine somewhat hidden behind a 5-foot fence.


Are the lids really heavy? Do you have to do something to allow the lid to open? Unless they are too heavy or there is something holding the lid down, I don't understand why the raccoon can't just sit on the lid of the garbage can next to the one they want to open and then open it. Maybe your raccoons just aren't as smart as urban raccoons.
I agree and I stared at it for a long time, I think it is the angle the truck has lifted it is an optical illusion.

Only casey (or someone who has that style) can tell us.
In post #49, that looks like the kind we have, and the lid just sits at the top no latch or anything. There is no part of the lid that goes below the top. They are 4 feet tall, the container, and mine sit out front. They are never bothered by raccoons and we do have raccoons. Maybe it is the 4 ft height they don't bother with.
Thanks bliss - good to know. That fence near casey's bins would be an excellent climbing tool but obviously - whatever the access/reason - not going to question it as long as the racoons are thwarted is good for me!
I think the lid goes down far below the reach of a racoon. No matter where he is sitting.
View attachment 70732

The lids are 42 inches/107cm from the ground*. That's out of a raccoon's reach. The carts are made of smooth plastic. They are tapered top to bottom from wide to narrow. The raccoons would have to climb against the taper, hang on, and open the lid.

Bottom line is this, raccoons are not getting into our trash carts. If they could, my carts would be on their sides in the morning, and my driveway would be covered in garbage.


* The lids are not where you marked on my photo. Look at the blue recycling cart. The black part on top is the lid. That thing you marked is just a handle to make it easier to move the cart when it is backed up to something.
Thanks casey, good to know.
Badjak, think I would rather deal with racoons than baboons and hyenas! I know hyenas are scavengers but do they come into residential areas looking?
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