Dried Soup Mixes

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It was good. I don't salt too many things and my refried beans today is a good example of why I don't, but my nurse practioner and I had a talk about my salt intake on Monday. I drink a lot of water because if I don't and I get dehydrated, I get awful headaches. Now when I was in ICU after surgery for my aneurysm, the nurses finally let me have the whole jug of water instead of bringing me glasses of it. But eventually they told me I was overwatered and needed to get some more salt, so would I please order some potato chips or something to balance it out.

So yeah, I probably do get too much salt in the processed food I eat, but I think it balances out with all the water I drink. My NP and I talked about it Monday and she said as long as my kidneys were in good shape, which they are, to just keep doing what I'm doing.

There might have been too much salt in the Hamburger Helper and the onion mix, but although it might have been too salty for anyone else, I didn't add any other salt to it and it tasted fine to me. Plus, I always use about a pound and a half of hamburger anyway.

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