I was gifted a bottle of Cognac, now what?

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Cognac makes me think of brandy sauce for Christmas pudding but it's not really the time of year 🙄🤣

Lots of desserts to choose from:

Sorry wrong link, those are desserts to eat while drinking cognac😂.

Perhaps this one:

I was gifted a bottle of Cognac, but I do not drink.
I can re-gift it, but I was wondering if there is anything I can do from a cooking aspect?
If you guys do anything with it , let me know.
Dont worry about the vegetarian thing, I just need ideas and a direction, and Ill figure out the rest.

I always add some cognac when I bake. Sometimes with vanilla, some times instead of vanilla.
Brandied fruit. I don't have a recipe though...

Stone fruit, sugar, covered jar, Cognac, time.... (Apricots and Peaches are my fave.)

Use as topping or filling with desserts.

This won't use too much Cognac, but adds longevity to your playing.
Sit down with the cognac and a glass. I can garontee that by the time you're half way through the bottle you will forget that you don't drink, that you're a vegan, and be whipping up meat, poultry and seafood recipes that use cognac. That's if you can find the kitchen!
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taxy, I went looking thru our 'Soups' threads, after 3 pages still did not find a recipe by anyone for Cream of Mushroom Soup. Only one by Chief Longwind for a clear broth of mushroom (which I 'bumped').
I made one by Ina Garten involving several kinds of mushrooms and many steps. It was wonderful and delicious but never made since. It makes a lot, 5 or 6 servings.
Have another one by Rachel Ray - but it is clear and I can't remember if I've ever made it.
I'll have to get them onto CMT (bucket list)
Now i want some too. Do you have a good recipe for cream of mushroom soup?

At this point in my life, i almost never use a recipe for soup.
This is what I did. It came out very tasty! It rained with thunder and lightening all day yesterday, so it was perfect.

2 pounds of white mushrooms
1/2 pound of creminis (you can use a variety of mushrooms but plain white ones work great)
a handful of dry porcinis, rehydrated in a cup of very hot water
1 large shallot or 2 smaller ones
3T butter
3 cups of broth (I used a mix of BtB mushroom and chicken)
1 cup half and half or cream
salt and pepper
Brandy or sherry to taste

Get the porcinis in the hot water

Finely mince the shallot and start cooking in butter in a dutch oven on low/med heat

Wash mushrooms thoroughly and slice (I hardly ever use pre-sliced because they are often dry/slimy/smelly)

Dump the sliced mushrooms into the dutch oven, season with salt and pepper. Stir to coat with butter and raise heat to med-high

Once the mushrooms have thrown off some liquid, drop the heat to med-low again, add the broth, stir and cover.

Drain the porcinis through a coffee filter, reserving the liquid. Chop them and add both the chopped porcinis and liquid to the pot.

Add brandy/sherry to taste. Or, simply add a T or so to your bowl when serving.

Keep pot covered and simmer for 30-45 min, stirring and tasting occasionally ( I think longer cooking adds depth of flavor)

When done (it should taste quite mushroomy) take off heat and let sit for 15-20 to cool slightly

Now, you need to blend about half the contents of the pot. Or all of it if you dont like mushroom pieces.

I used an immersion blender because Im lazy and didnt want to drag out my real blender and wash it after.

BUT I couldnt get a smooth texture with the immersion blender. So next time I'll use my real blender. The taste was great but it had a course texture.

After blending add the blended liquid back into the pot

Add the half and half or cream. Combine thoroughly

Taste and add salt if needed. The cream will dilute it a bit.

Keep heat gentle after adding the cream.

At this point in my life, i almost never use a recipe for soup.
This is what I did. It came out very tasty! It rained with thunder and lightening all day yesterday, so it was perfect.

2 pounds of white mushrooms
1/2 pound of creminis (you can use a variety of mushrooms but plain white ones work great)
a handful of dry porcinis, rehydrated in a cup of very hot water
1 large shallot or 2 smaller ones
3T butter
3 cups of broth (I used a mix of BtB mushroom and chicken)
1 cup half and half or cream
salt and pepper
Brandy or sherry to taste

Get the porcinis in the hot water

Finely mince the shallot and start cooking in butter in a dutch oven on low/med heat

Wash mushrooms thoroughly and slice (I hardly ever use pre-sliced because they are often dry/slimy/smelly)

Dump the sliced mushrooms into the dutch oven, season with salt and pepper. Stir to coat with butter and raise heat to med-high

Once the mushrooms have thrown off some liquid, drop the heat to med-low again, add the broth, stir and cover.

Drain the porcinis through a coffee filter, reserving the liquid. Chop them and add both the chopped porcinis and liquid to the pot.

Add brandy/sherry to taste. Or, simply add a T or so to your bowl when serving.

Keep pot covered and simmer for 30-45 min, stirring and tasting occasionally ( I think longer cooking adds depth of flavor)

When done (it should taste quite mushroomy) take off heat and let sit for 15-20 to cool slightly

Now, you need to blend about half the contents of the pot. Or all of it if you dont like mushroom pieces.

I used an immersion blender because Im lazy and didnt want to drag out my real blender and wash it after.

BUT I couldnt get a smooth texture with the immersion blender. So next time I'll use my real blender. The taste was great but it had a course texture.

After blending add the blended liquid back into the pot

Add the half and half or cream. Combine thoroughly

Taste and add salt if needed. The cream will dilute it a bit.

Keep heat gentle after adding the cream.

Could you copy and paste this into a new thread in the Soup recipes forum? That way it can be found easily in a search. I'd like to make this when it is soup weather, which is about three months from now.

I made one by Ina Garten involving several kinds of mushrooms and many steps. It was wonderful and delicious but never made since. It makes a lot, 5 or 6 servings.

About 20 years ago at Thanksgiving I had the stupid idea of making everything for dinner from scratch, so I needed mushroom soup for the green bean casserole. I made the mistake of using Emeril Lagasbag's recipe. It made enough soup to feed the entire army of a third world country!
Yeah, I hear yuh Sir LOB. I try to be very diligent when reading/copying/saving a recipe as to just how much it's going to make!
Once got real excited about a recipe, saved it, one day decided to make it and then sat back and really looked at it. Was a recipe for 24 Servings! That one hit the trash - didn't even to bother to see if it could be reduced.
Thank you. I snagged the one here too.
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