Yesterday I only harvested some peppers, and a few things I hadn't really gone out for. That bottle gourd vine had dropped from the trellis - didn't break loose, but I picked it and clipped the vine back up on the trellis (those things usually hold themselves on!). The cukes I was trimming the worst parts of the vines from, and this one was on a dead section. I have 2 new plants that are just starting to blossom, but the old ones still have a few on them, plus some new growth, triggered by pulling all that bad growth from, I assume. Those 2 winter melons have produced that powdery look on them, but still not quite mature. In fact, my friend visiting last week, when she saw them hanging there, thought that it was some sort of powdery mildew, but I explained to her what they were, and that this was normal.
Not a lot today, besides the peppers. Just this one bottle gourd and one cuke, and a few beans. 8-26 by
pepperhead212, on Flickr
Those red habanero peppers I'm growing this year are some generic habaneros, which I had to buy at a local nursery, due to the old seeds not germination well. This plant grew well, but the peppers are relatively mild, compared to the chocolate habs I usually grow - probably only about 200k, vs. 400k. The chocolate habaneros I originally grew (that I wish I've saved seeds from now, as the company is out of business, and others I've tried aren't the same) were my favorites. For next year, I got some seeds for an old variety I grew back in the early 90s (maybe before?), that has an intense flavor, like the chocolate, a huge number from one plant, and about the same heat, around 400k -
Fatalii. That was the second hottest back then (tells you how long ago!), but also had an incredibly intense habanero flavor, like my favorite chocolate habs. Hopefully they are still the same.
Red habaneros, left until very ripe, before picking. I'll see if they get hotter than the first time I picked some. 8-26 by
pepperhead212, on Flickr
Thai Vesuvius, all picked from one plant, since it was on its way out, and these were almost all green yesterday, 8-26 by
pepperhead212, on Flickr
And I forgot to post a couple of days ago - I harvested almost 3 more quarts of these smaller tomatoes, and here they are, in a tray next to the ones from 4 days earlier, showing how much those others darkened, esp. the Bronze Torch Hybrids.
Almost as many of the smaller tomatoes, next to the ones from 4 days ago, showing the Bronze Torches mostly darker. 8-26 by
pepperhead212, on Flickr