Thrash Thursday - 27th June 2024

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Head Chef
Jul 11, 2013
I managed to "dehydrate" fish fingers (courtesy of Bird's Eye.) I declined to eat them at all but my brother simply said "they were crunchy". I also made potato wedges (from scratch) which were fine. So apparently I can't cook a frozen product... very embarrassing!

Hopefully everyone else produced something edible and enjoyable!
Not sure, had a humongous salad for lunch - carrots, red & orange sweet peppers, celery, broccoli, zucchini, scallion, feta, last of the hearts of palm, more of the canned mushrooms, no lettuce and all doused in a marvelous Orange based vinaigrette from Kgirl. (all those raw vegies gave me a belly ache LOL).
I have grated up the rest of the zucchini (store special) and now just sitting and staring at me. Fry up some fritters? Freeze? don't know.
Not sure, had a humongous salad for lunch - carrots, red & orange sweet peppers, celery, broccoli, zucchini, scallion, feta, last of the hearts of palm, more of the canned mushrooms, no lettuce and all doused in a marvelous Orange based vinaigrette from Kgirl. (all those raw vegies gave me a belly ache LOL).
I have grated up the rest of the zucchini (store special) and now just sitting and staring at me. Fry up some fritters? Freeze? don't know.
Blimey Dragn, that is a lot of veg! Honestly sounds delicious particularly with that vinaigrette! (But I might have added some bacon or fish.)
WW pizza crust with basil, oregano, garlic, onion. Tomato onion pepper sauce w/fennel seed, basil, oregano, garlic. Topped with sliced marinated olives, sliced black olives, mushrooms, then some moxerella (sauce primarily of almond milk, potato, rice, tapioca starch and lemon juice), sprinkled with nutritional yeast. MMMM the best yet. Enough for a few days.
I haven't decided, yet. Either some Crawfish Étouffée, or just a peppered turkey sandwich on some fresh bakery bread I picked up today. Depends on how lazy I am later. I need to wait until later, because I have an appointment for a sonogram tomorrow at 11AM, and can't eat for 8 hours prior (No, I am not pregnant... it's a sonogram of something else).

"Thrash Thursday", is that something to do with World Cup? An internet search wasn't more helpful than a bunch of links to World Cup Soccer stuff.

Today, I finally got around to making Chef John's Spanish chorizo stuffed chicken breast. I sautéed the rest of the radish greens and a few sliced radishes and had that with the chicken. I'm stuffed. I'm snacking on the rest of the chicken. I do love that chicken dish and the sautéed radishes and their greens were very enjoyable.

Chorizo stuffed chicken breast and sautéed radish greens.jpg
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