Grocery deals!

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I could fry them I guess and I just might take some, cut up the tubes into rings, bread, etc. But it is stuffing the tubes I've read and seen that I want to try but am very nervous about. I'm afraid they'll end up so tough and rubbery you can play dodge-ball with them.
Sobey's had some great savings on Tues.
Eggs $1.00 off = $2.88.
Lamb Chops, down by $2.21 = $6.82 (there were 3, very tasty).
Pork Tenderloin (2) down by $8.19 = $8.27.
Haddock fillets $2.00 off = $4.77.
Frozen Squid tubes & ttcles $1.00 off = $7.99
Frozen Shrimp** $1.00 off = $8.99

Weird but bill says I saved $8.00 but add it up and it is over $16.00. So don't know where their thinking is at. Some say 'discount', some 'savings at cash', some 'instant savings'. But I guess I don't care as long as I saved 'something!

**It wasn't til today looking at the bill I suddenly read they were "cooked" shrimp - arghh! why didn't I notice that! I never buy cooked shrimp. What was my brain thinking?

Can't say the squid and shrimp were super savings - but I bought them anyhow. I will use the shrimp for sure but....

have absolutely no idea what I'm going to do with the squid - have never cooked them before and have just always wanted to stuff them. I'll probably just stare at them until I get brave enough.
A long time ago, I found a recipe for stuffed squid tubes. The tentacles were chopped and added to the stuffing. They were amazing. Of course, I have lost the recipe. Look for a recipe that is highly rated. It was not difficult to make and was absolutely delicious. I remember the tentacles, fresh bread crumbs and lemon.....but wish I could find the blasted recipe.
Penzeys Spices is having a really good sale right now - 2 oz bottles of Mexican Vanilla Extract, regularly $16, are now $5 each. Also, you can get a free half-cup jar of one of 3 types of taco seasoning AND a free coffee mug with a $5 purchase! And a few other free goodies.

Reduced produce today:
2 bags of plums $1 each, total of about 8 lbs-which I washed and cut up off the pit, and am dehydrating until tomorrow.
$1.74/lb of sliced mushrooms x2, I cooked them and we'll eat them with spaghetti and sauce.
$1 large bag of 12 bananas
$1/lb strawberries x6, washed, sliced, refrigerated and frozen

$1.50/lb brussel srpouts x2
$2.99/lb fresh ginger, cleaned up and minced in food processor, frozen in flat little zip lock bags.
$3.99 digital coupon at picknsave (kroger), seedless watermelon
2 cantaloupes $2.50/each
And finally romaine, 3 heads in a package for $2.99 but we'll be getting garden lettuce soon! The sooner the better.
Mr bliss overheard a conversation about an overstock at aldi''s while at a gas station, $5.99/10lbs potatoes for $1.99. We picked up 4 bags for us and 3 for our neighbor and another neighbor went to stock up too. MMMM potato hash, air fried french fries, mashed potatoes corn and gravy...and on and on and on.
The most we ever get on specials like that may be on a roller tray of 4(?) shelves with individual items marked way down. but certainly not large quantities as you seem to get.
Not sure I would buy them other than I keep reading about this "influencer" on DC - I think her name is blissful and she seems to be able to hypnotize me into things were I say... what the heck was I thinking! You guys should check her out, she's fascinating!
I found last weeks flyer in one of my shopping bags. So now I have to ask you all your prices...

there was a 4 day special (leading up to Father's Day) offering both Surf and Turf.
Capless Prime Rib Premium Oven Roast or Grilling Steak Family size and/or Live Lobster (no weight given but I imagine 1.5 lb as is probably most common here).
$9.88 a pound - after the sale $11.99 a pound.

What would you all normally pay for Prime Rib Grilling Steak?
Some other prices...
Fresh Whole Skinless Pork Belly, cryovac - $4.99/lb. ($11.00/kg) - not really on special but you gain an extra '1000 store points'.

Fresh Boneless Beef Brisket Pot Roast - $7.99/lb ($17.61/kg)
then on the back page of the flyer they advertize... Fresh Boneless Whole Beef Brisket cryovac - $5.99/lb (13.21/kg)

Coho Salmon Fillets frozen or previously frozen protduct of Chile or Wild Mahi Mahi Fillets frozen or previously frozen product of Peru - $11.99/lb (26.43/kg)

Sterling Silver Fresh Boneless Bottom Sirloin Tri Tip Grilling Steak $13.99/lb (30.84/kg)

Fresh Atlantic Salmon portions - $4.99 for 113/g. (does not say whether farmed or not - so that always means it is farmed, wild caught is much more precious.)

any comments? or your prices?
My children have threatened me with an electronic ankle alarm to sound whenever I enter the grocery store, a hardware store, plant nurseries, crafts, books, electronics... get the picture?
Were I to go to any of these stores just to see if there were unadvertised specials - I'm afraid they would have me committed.

I think I related the time my daughter screeched "PUT THAT DOWN" at me from half way across Walmart when she happen to see me at the meat cooler holding a beef tenderloin (on special! only $90.) I dropped it like a hot potato and took off down another aisle - she too, ducked down an aisle, found me and we collapsed in laughter.
I can't go buying grocery deals right now! I have to downsize from two fridge-freezers and an upright freezer in three weeks! 🤣 Well, I can probably pawn some stuff off onto my mom and cousin when they come get the furniture my mom wants 😁
My children have threatened me with an electronic ankle alarm to sound whenever I enter the grocery store, a hardware store, plant nurseries, crafts, books, electronics... get the picture?
Were I to go to any of these stores just to see if there were unadvertised specials - I'm afraid they would have me committed.

I think I related the time my daughter screeched "PUT THAT DOWN" at me from half way across Walmart when she happen to see me at the meat cooler holding a beef tenderloin (on special! only $90.) I dropped it like a hot potato and took off down another aisle - she too, ducked down an aisle, found me and we collapsed in laughter.
Is anything a bargain when the freezer and the pantry are already overflowing? 🤔

“If they’re selling elephants two for a quarter, that’s a great bargain, but only if you have a quarter and only if you need elephants.” - David N. Dinkins
I keep reminding myself that I need to make space in the fridge and freezer. If I save $5 on something that is on special, but makes my overcrowding problem worse, that's no bargain. How much would I be willing to pay someone to fix my issue? A lot more than $5.
nothing is a bargain or deal if i have no plan for it. if it can't be frozen or refrigerated, canned, dehydrated, fermented, or made into a meal right away, we won't buy it.
our vehicle needed a rebuilt transmission and we're just coming off of 2 weeks without it. no shopping! We will go shopping tomorrow. Thank God.
The gas station minimart and the vegetable stand, both within a couple miles, that we walked to, had less fresh vegetables and fruits for sale than we already had on hand at home! It was pathetic. After 2 weeks, my shopping list is: strawberries, melons or watermelon, bananas, vegetables on sale or reduced, and 2 lbs of butter (for the freezer) in case I need to make cookies for a thank you to the neighbors in the future.
So I needed butter... not on special but when you need. Bought 3 for $5.88 (store brand - a lot better than brand names at 7 and 8$).
and then there were the specials... Could I just walk out?
Alas no... $97.30 later.
Then I had to divide it all up and freeze when I got home!
Pork tenderloins (2/$6.39)- I hate opening vacu-packed but don't want to defrost both and then refreeze one! Removed the silver skin right away, so when I do want - it's ready.
Mild Italian Sausages, not on special, only 1 package but still divided into individual sausages. One of them is earmarked to stuff a couple of lovely big mushrooms I got.
Chicken drumsticks - that was the best deal - Got 2 pkg of 10 ea for $11.31 combined total. Divided them up as well, so's I can grab as many as I need when needed. I did cook up 6 right away (already ate one).
Bacon - 3 pkg, $3.99 ea. 1 pkg frozen whole, as is. Other 2, cut in half and then divided up into 6 slices (approx) of left side and 6 of right side. 1pkg went in the fridge right away, other 5 to the freezer. Cooking just for myself I found even bacon seems to go rancid just when you really really want those last 2 slices.

Rest of the bill was taken up with fruits and vegies -

and yes, I bought some chips... I needed my salt fix - haven't had any in sooooo long, I just couldn't help myself.
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