The Sick Room

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Without any glasses, my distance vision is now the same as my left eye. I can read a wall clock 20 feet away with either eye. I get to try driving tomorrow, which is the ultimate test.

I will still need glasses for close up, such as reading of working at the computer. I'm fine with that. I just want to drive without glasses, and drive at night without ten oncoming headlights looking like a galaxy of stars.

Oh, I am so glad that you had such great results from your surgery.
@taxlady calcium supplements can cause leg/feet cramps as a side effect. Look it up to verify it, then cut back on how much calcium supplement you are taking. Then pay attention if that helps.
Thank you for bringing that to my attention. It seems that too much calcium supplementation is associated with various problems and may not be all that good at helping bone density. I guess I will be cutting that back and working on getting more dietary calcium. Heck the amount I have been taking seems to be as much as one needs without any dietary Ca.

Sometimes the doctor who recommended it just believed the "protocol". She had me taking one of the standard drugs for osteoporosis. It's one you shouldn't take for more than 5 years at a go. There is a known side effect of the risidronic acid that causes some people to have spontaneous thigh fractures. I kept breaking in my toes. I would stub a toe and it would break. I started wearing shoes around the house (I hate that). There are no studies on that side effect, breaking toes. But, when the drug was well and truly out of my system, I braved going bare foot at home and haven't broken a toe since then.
Thank you for bringing that to my attention. It seems that too much calcium supplementation is associated with various problems and may not be all that good at helping bone density. I guess I will be cutting that back and working on getting more dietary calcium. Heck the amount I have been taking seems to be as much as one needs without any dietary Ca.

Sometimes the doctor who recommended it just believed the "protocol". She had me taking one of the standard drugs for osteoporosis. It's one you shouldn't take for more than 5 years at a go. There is a known side effect of the risidronic acid that causes some people to have spontaneous thigh fractures. I kept breaking in my toes. I would stub a toe and it would break. I started wearing shoes around the house (I hate that). There are no studies on that side effect, breaking toes. But, when the drug was well and truly out of my system, I braved going bare foot at home and haven't broken a toe since then.

My mother has very fragile bones (but she's 90, so that's expected). She takes a daily med for that. I'll ask my sister the RN what it is.

BTW, I broke the pinky toe on my left foot 20-something years ago. OMG, that hurts a lot, and for months.

Did a bit of a workout on Sunday so on Monday I was a tiny bit sore, just noticeable as having done some exercise. But today was positively miserable. My feet have reacted horribly, could hardly walk. To the point where I actually took some hydramorphone, which if very rare. Guess it is back to just swimming only :(.

Perhaps the only good part of this misery is that I can use this as an excuse for both lunch and dinner being sort of ka-kaa?
Good news, casey! Himself was amazed that he was able to easily see lesser magnitude stars the night of his first eye surgery. Since both eyes were done, nothing gets past him. Unless it's cleaning up after himself. :LOL:

By the second night, the stars and halos were completely gone. I'm eight days in, now. In six days, I can start doing some work in the yard. The backyard grass is getting pretty long. I need to go to Lowe's and get some new safety glasses. I need to protect my eyes better, and my old ones are pretty scratched.

By the second night, the stars and halos were completely gone. I'm eight days in, now. In six days, I can start doing some work in the yard. The backyard grass is getting pretty long. I need to go to Lowe's and get some new safety glasses. I need to protect my eyes better, and my old ones are pretty scratched.

"I need to protect my eyes better, and my old ones are pretty scratched." So, the new eyes aren't scratched yet, eh?
Runs and hides.
Well, I'm in the hospital again. I let myself get dehydrated and it raised the amount of potassium in my blood enough to cause chest pain. My heart is fine, fortunately, but they gave me glucose, insulin (weird, I know) and a diuretic to start a reaction that removed the potassium from my blood. I should be going home today, but this is damned inconvenient!
Well, I'm in the hospital again. I let myself get dehydrated and it raised the amount of potassium in my blood enough to cause chest pain. My heart is fine, fortunately, but they gave me glucose, insulin (weird, I know) and a diuretic to start a reaction that removed the potassium from my blood. I should be going home today, but this is damned inconvenient!
God bedring (Danish for good bettering). Sending positive vibes that you are home and comfortable soon.
Well, I'm in the hospital again. I let myself get dehydrated and it raised the amount of potassium in my blood enough to cause chest pain. My heart is fine, fortunately, but they gave me glucose, insulin (weird, I know) and a diuretic to start a reaction that removed the potassium from my blood. I should be going home today, but this is damned inconvenient!
Take care!
I've had cataract surgery on both my eyes. First one was perfect. The second one I got a call long before it was due. Probably because I live next door to the hospital. After I said yes I got a bad feeling about it. Only had that feeling once before when my brother died. I was due to visit him but on the way I turned round. I would have been there when he had massive heart failure.

I actually told hubby, daughter and best friend. They told me I was being foolish. Get it done they said. So I did. It was in my left eye. Sadly ,eye did a shiver and a blood vessel was cut. I woke up in Melbourne eye and ear hospital. I don't blame my doctor. He was devastated. So now I'm blind in that eye.

On the upside, I get free visits to my ophthalmologist . But a get a bad feeling, act on it
My uvula is sore... was I snoring to wake the dead last night?
Thought it would get better during the day, but nope. Water for pills was bad, coffee - was not a happy camper, but now my wine? this is completely unacceptable!
although I think the wine is numbing it a little bit... :-p
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