Is there a way to ignore individual threads?

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But you wouldn't know what you don't see. It doesn't do any good to search if you don't know what you are looking for.
Haven't you ever searched this forum for a recipe without having seen it first? We do it with Google or DuckDuckGo. I think it's better to search here first.

Besides, CD wouldn't be ignoring a thread that he doesn't know exists. He has to see it first to decide that he would like to ignore it.
But you wouldn't know what you don't see. It doesn't do any good to search if you don't know what you are looking for.

First, I can almost guarantee I would not go looking for a thread about eggplant. :ROFLMAO:

I don't generally ignore threads on other forums based on the name of the thread. I do read at least the original post. I may read several posts before I realize that I'm just not interested.

But you would know what you're looking for. You'd also know there was a thread about it, for example - eggplant, because your "ignored" it. Regardless, if you had a sudden urge to research something you'd never been interested in, you would just use the search function.
I really don't see a point in discussing why someone would want to ignore a thread.

In my OP, I merely asked if there was a way to do it. I got an answer. If there is a way to add that capability to DC, that would be great. If not, I'll live with it.

So what you want, in the bottom right corner, is an additional icon that says
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