Any way to make cottage cheese tasteful?

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I’ll happily eat it without garnish!
Me too! I'll happily tuck into a few spoonfulls from the tub with nothing added! (It's just me that eats it, so not as disgusting as it seems!) Otherwise, I like it piled onto a cracker with a little sea salt sprinkled on top. Quite like the idea of using it up in a cheese sauce too....
Back when I was experimenting in the kitchen, I found a tasty twist for cottage cheese. Mix in some diced fresh fruits like pineapple or berries for a sweet kick. Or sprinkle in some savory herbs and spices like dill or black pepper for a flavor boost. Another favorite of mine is adding a drizzle of honey and a handful of nuts for a satisfying crunch.
Back when I was experimenting in the kitchen, I found a tasty twist for cottage cheese. Mix in some diced fresh fruits like pineapple or berries for a sweet kick. Or sprinkle in some savory herbs and spices like dill or black pepper for a flavor boost. Another favorite of mine is adding a drizzle of honey and a handful of nuts for a satisfying crunch.
I am definitely going to try honey and nuts with cottage cheese. Sounds delicious! (Works brilliantly with yoghurt, but never thought of trying it with CC.)
Its a textural thing for me.
Maybe it would become ok if I put the blender on it, but I rather buy or make cream cheese
Cottage cheese on toast with apple butter was popular with the Pennsylvania Dutch.

These days I would be more likely to cobble together a pizza with cottage cheese on toast or a flour tortilla.
It's best to use lactic acid bacteria or a starter culture to make cottage cheese. This will add a nice tangy flavor.
I suppose many people do make their own (eg my daughter) but I don't have the patience nor inclination. Prefer to purchase and get consistency where I probably would not with homemade. But I rather think "tangy" is not exactly what the OP is looking for.
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