Wonder Bread

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Senior Cook
Mar 31, 2008
So a while back I had posted that I had a Wonder Bread recipe. I went to look for it, couldn't find it and now I just did.

I'd call this TNT except that I can't remember what store bought Wonder Bread turns out like. (Do they still sell it?)

I just made it today and it's pretty Wonderish to me!

If anyone tries it, let me know how it compares to the original!

Wonder Bread

1 pkg active dry yeast
1/4 cup warm water
2 c milk, scalded
2 T sugar
2 tsp salt
1 T butter
5 3/4 to 6 1/4 cups sifted all purpose flour

Soften active dry yeast in warm water (110 degrees)
Combine hot milk, sugar, salt, and butter. Cool to luke warm.
Stir in two cups of flour, beat well. Add the softened yeast; mix.
Add enough of the remaining flour to make a moderately stiff dough.
Turn out on lightly floured surface; knead till smooth and satiny (8-10 min)
Shape into a ball; place in lightly greased bowl, turning once to grease surface.Cover, let rise in warm place till doubled (about 1 1/4 hrs).
Punch down.

Cut dough into two portions. Shape each into smooth ball, cover and let rest 10 min. Shape into loaves, place in two greased 9x5x3 inch loaf pans.
cover and let rise till doubled (45-60 mins)
Preheat oven to 400.
Bake in hot oven 400 for 35 mins or until done. If tops brown too fast cover loosely with foil last 15 mins.
Makes 2 loaves.

Takes total time of about 4- 4 1/2 hrs to make start to finish.
What brand of yeast did you use?

The one thing about store-bought bread, such as Wonder, that I have not been able to duplicate is the breads’ texture which is a result of very fine, yeast-produced gas bubbles. I have made the recipe you listed above and, while it was tasty, it would not have been mistaken for grocery store bread.

Interesting choice of flour. I gave up on AP flour for bread because the loaves were always dense. Bread flour works better for me (if I was Alton Brown I would talk about gluten & stretching et al, but I’m not, so I won’t).

Oh, and yes, they still make Wonder Bread.

Hi Tom,

I'll try to post a picture of what I produced. I actually didn't use all AP flour for this, it was half and half. Not on purpose, I just ran out of AP flour.

Bread flour seems to make things more cakey which is sometimes good and sometimes not.

I'm pretty new to baking so I just try things out and see how they go!

I've attached a photo of what I got...like I said, haven't seen wonder bread in ages. All of my other breads don't come out so ..."store bought white bread" as this one.


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