whole wheat raisin cinnamon bread recipe for VB

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Master Chef
Apr 18, 2005
Northern New Mexico
hey Vanilla Bean, here is the recipe for the ww raisin bread. this makes a large loaf

unbleached white flour 2 1/8 cup (10.5 oz)
whole wheat bread flour 2 1/8 cup (10.5 oz.)
salt 2 t.
dry milk 2 T.
butter 2 1/2 T.
sugar 1 1/2 T.
cinnamon 2 t.
apple, grated 1/2 cup (3.75 oz.)
water 1 3/8 cup (11 oz.)
dry yeast 1 1/2 t.

raisins 4.4 ounces

I use more ww, and less white flour, than the recipe calls for.. and here is a link for an actual photo
Thank you so much, Beth! I am just now seeing this beautiful recipe... and I'm going to try it this week! Looks great, and I can't wait to smell it baking! :chef:
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