What's For Dessert?

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Quarter Sheet Pecan Pie Bars
I had a lonely Apple in the fruit bowl that was
dying a slow death and needed to get eaten ...



My Mother gave me this adorable and yet very
handy Pie Plate ...



.. this worked PERFECTLY for that 1 + cup of
diced Apple.


I cheated just a tad, I used refrigerated Pie Crust,
but it worked just right in this plate.
Add a scoop of Ice Cream and you're golden!
Made a No-Bake Meyer Lemon Cheesecake Mousse in small
parfait cups to take over to Gal Pal Card Game next door tomorrow ...
the recipe made ALOT of the Mousse.



Make up half pint Mason jars, layered for two of the
other neighbors who will not be in attendance.

I didn't get the layers quite even, but how stinkin'
good does that look?
Not what you would usually call dessert, but we had it after supper, so it sort of counts. I made some bruschetta on slices of whole wheat baguette. Made it with garlic and pesto with no tomato. It was a jarred pesto, but OMG, that is some fine pesto. It's from Bioitalia. I have enjoyed every single product I have bought from that company. They aren't cheap, but so worth the slightly higher price. I fell in love with their whole wheat pasta a decade or so ago.
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No pix, but as a joint project, we made strawberry ice cream. Makes a big mess, but oh so worth it. We haven't made ice cream in about two years. it was starting to come out the top of the ice cream machine. Too many bowls and spatulas got dirty. But worth it, goodness, that's good ice cream.
Last night, Friday, we had fruit salad for dessert. I used oranges, apple, banana, mango, raisins, and chopped walnuts. Served it with whipped cream. Delicious, the mango was really good in that. Sorry about the fuzzy pix.

Fruit salad with whipped cream.jpg

Fruit salad.jpg
Pineapple cheesecake. Fresh pineapple cooked down with sugar ( although I was tempted to add some ginger), cheesecake with eggs, cream cheese and yoghurt. Yum!Pineapple cheesecake.jpg

pineapple cheesecake slice.jpg
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Made another batch of Meyer Lemon Sherbert.
Every Winter, when the Lemons are in season, I buy a few bags,
zest and juice them, then freeze them for later use in the year.
This is such a refreshing Summertime treat!
Mom was in heaven, yet again ... this is just like the one
she would have for years at one of her friends restaurants.
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(file photo)

Made another batch of Meyer Lemon Sherbert.
Every Winter, when the Lemons are in season, I buy a few bags,
zest and juice them, then freeze them for later use in the year.
This is such a refreshing Summertime treat!
Mom was in heaven, yet again ... this is just like the one
she would have for years at one of her friends restaurants.

I was just giggling to myself ... I forgot to mention, last night at "Dessert Time" in our house, I asked "who wants dessert?"

Mom: What'cha got?
Moi: What would you like Mom? I've got Sherbert, Ice Cream Cake, Jello with fruit and whipped cream or Watermelon
Mom: Oh Sherbert of course!
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