What have you had for breakfast lately?

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Breakfast - Eggs Benedict (sour dough muffin and fried honey ham), corned beef hash. And a cup of fresh ground beans coffee.

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I had a toasted onion bagel (with butter and cream cheese) and a cup of coffee for breakfast.
Breakfast was Trader Joe's pumpkin pancakes (GF mix) with butter and syrup, and corned beef hash

For breakfast lately, The Picture starting with a crisp, golden-brown masala dosa, thin and crunchy at the edges, served with spicy coconut chutney and tangy sambar. Next to it, a plate of fluffy idlis, warm and soft, perfect for dipping into fiery red tomato chutney or a light cilantro sauce.
Saturday, 21 September 2024 - Homemade chorizo and egg scramble, warm buttered flour tortillas, fruit salad, and orange juice. I made the chorizo, some chicken made the eggs.

Sunday, 22 September 2024 - 5 egg fritatta with diced potato, Italian sausage, and pepperoncini topped with mozzarella cheese, toasted Italianbread with butter, garlic & pecorino, and a blood orange juice & prosecco mimosa.

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