Canning 2024

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In the past few days I canned 6 1/2 pints of chokecherry jelly and 15 pints of sweet corn. DH has his own garden by his shop, about 1/4 of a mile from the house. His plot is right on an acequia so he has unlimited water to grow corn.


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We will end up canning tomatoes later, near 9:30 pm. We didn't have quite enough tomatoes so he went to grocery and brought back 4 bags of tomatoes for $4, reduced produce. That filled the roaster and another 4 qts which is all boiling down. The jars are ready. Probably about 12 qts.
So far we're waterbath canning one batch of ketchup, wide mouth pint jars, tattler lids, from paste. 14 fit in the canner, 1 will have to wait until the next batch.
I just pressure canned 14 pints of pizza sauce with sausage. This is all the tomato products I have for this season. Our growing season keeps getting shorter. We expect our first freeze tonight so I will put blankets on some tomato plants, to at least keep us in fresh salsa for a few weeks. The fresh tomatoes you see are what have been collected the past few weeks. I already had 3 quarts of prepared sauce in the freezer to add.


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Awesome @bethzaring

We only made 3 batches of thick tomato sauce this year. 36 quart jars, not a great year for tomatoes.

We finished the ketchup, 30 pint jars but one blew out the bottom, so 29. I'll find out tomorrow if they all sealed or not. Labels are made.
Awesome @bethzaring

We only made 3 batches of thick tomato sauce this year. 36 quart jars, not a great year for tomatoes.

We finished the ketchup, 30 pint jars but one blew out the bottom, so 29. I'll find out tomorrow if they all sealed or not. Labels are made.
One of the jars in the second round canning the pizza sauce, didn't seal, so I will be making pizza tomorrow. It won't take the full pint so I will freeze the leftover sauce in the pint jar.

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