Tuesday, February 6, 2024 - what did everyone have?

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Master Chef
Nov 21, 2018
Woodbury, NJ
I made another one of those jambalaya type dishes I made a few weeks ago with canned salmon, but this time I cut up some frozen whiting, I cut a few cubes of, and steamed, for the first serving. I'll do same when I re-heat each time. It was almost as good as shrimp would have been in it!

I started by soaking a little over an oz of dried tomatoes (equivalent of a lb) in some hot water, and a little under a cup of oat groats (the end of the jar), and 2/3 c brown basmati rice in some warm water, while I was cutting everything, and starting the cooking. I started with a large diced onion in a few tb olive oil, on sauté mode, and cut up a half lb of diced ham and added that, then 2 huge cloves minced garlic, then added 1 large diced bell pepper, then I added the herbs and spices - ¼ tsp ground bay, 3/4 tsp Syrian oregano (think Thyme), 1/2 tsp Mexican oregano, and 1/2 tsp ground cloves, plus the heat - about a tsp of "green powder" (my misc. dried green chilis), and a tsp of morita flakes (also adds more smokiness). Cooked that about a minute, then added 1/2 c white vermouth, and cooked about a minute. Then added all the last of the small celery stalks and leaves, plus one large diced stalk (maybe 2 cups). The last thing cut up, and added were all the extra bok choy stalks I had (saved the greens for other dishes). While this was cooking down, I ground up the soaked tomatoes in some of the water, then washed the Vitamix out with the rest of the water - about 4 c total. Then I rinsed the oats and rice off (soaked about 25 min total), and stirred in, and salted to taste, about 1½ tsp. I set it to wholegrain mode, on low (this is slower, but keeps the IP from boiling quickly, and breaking apart the grains), and 25 min., and put the lid on, and sealed. Then prepared that whiting - my substitute for the shrimp. When the dish was ready (turned out perfect - no water on the bottom, and nothing sticking!), I put the fish on the surface, put the lid on, but left the valve off, and set it to slow cook/high, for steaming it 3 minutes (same thing I do with shrimp). I ate all the whiting in the first serving, and it was delicious. I learned to like that fish in my early days, when I bought it because it was cheap, and being at the shore, it was incredibly fresh, along with other fish there.
About 2/3 oat groats and 1/3 brown basmati, soaked about 25 minutes, to cook in the jambalaya type dish. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

The oats and rice, added to the Instant Pot, with the other sautéed ingredients, to pressure cook. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Just a small amount of whiting, to add to steam at the end, like I do with shrimp, in jambalaya. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

The finished "jambalaya", with the whiting steamed 3 minutes, on slow cook high. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

A serving of the jambalaya dish, serving all of the whiting chunks. I'll add more, when re-heating. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Today, Wednesday, I had these as leftovers!
We had the last of the planned over krock's meatloaf with canned corn and gravy. I was talking with mr bliss and it sounds like we'll need to can corn this coming summer. We only have 4-5 quarts left. I like having more on the shelves than that.
Beef brisket with BBQ sauce, mac & cheese, green beans, Jello fruit salad, dark chocolate for afters.

Did you smoke the brisket yourself? I have a brisket point vacuum sealed in the freezer that I want to smoke on my new pellet smoker when DST and longer days arrive.

I will honor the Texas Hill Country tradition of only using salt and pepper for seasoning, and no BBQ sauce. Brisket is the centerpiece of Central Texas Barbecue, sort of like Whole Hog in the Carolinas, or Spare Ribs in St. Louis.

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Tom Kha Goong 🫠


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