Yum, Pac! So, what time is dinner?
Just got back from the pool. My peace and quiet was shattered by a mother who allowed her 5 y.o. and 8 y.o. kids to jump into the pool, and they CANNOT SWIM!!! They were screaming and shrieking and crying and flailing around. Mom, who didn't even have a bathing suit on and stayed high and dry, asked if I could pull them back to the side. I should have known when the mom asked me which end was the deep end when they first got there. Apparently they'd just moved into a nearby subdivision that shares our pool. I had to establish rules (walk on the pool bottom, do not go beyond here, no running around the pool deck, and no, you may not jump off the diving board), and had to keep a close eye on them. They'd brought a lot of floaty toys, but should not have, as those float into the deep end. I told her to sign those kids up for swimming lessons, or at the very least, get in the water with them!