What are yellow/Yukon gold potatoes good for?

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Senior Cook
May 15, 2020
Prior Lake
Growing up, I never used Yukon gold. My family always had white for everything: mashed, baked, Au gratin, fries etc. So now I want to improve my culinary knowledge and use Yukon gold. I bought a bag of each to try side by side to know the difference, and I'd love to know what yukon gold is superior for as opposed to russet white. Is Yukon good/better for mashed, as white are starchy and can get gluey? What say y'all?

Basically what are gold/yellow potatoes commonly used for and superior to?
Yukon Gold potatoes are a good all-purpose potato. They are in the mid-point of starchy and waxy. You can use them for mashed potatoes, or for dicing into soups and stews.

As for a comparison to russets, they will hold up better for a soup or potato salad, from my experience, but they can bee used for mashed potatoes, too. Personally, I use russets for mashed potatoes. I use a waxier potato for potato salad, but I'd have no problem using Yukon golds for either one.

I agree with CD, Yukon gold are an excellent all around potato. Their flesh also has a nice "buttery" colour. I have read that when stored correctly, they can be stored longer than most other types of potatoes without sprouting.
Ditto above. I use yellow and red potatoes mostly. I use them for everything. Usually buy the baby ones and use skins on.
Only exception is for baked. I use the big baking potatoes on the rare occasion I want a baked.
The more I read here, the more I'm beginning to realize I must have made a mistake with the Russet vs Yukon. How or why I switched it around I have no idea. At any rate, thanks.
We can buy certain potatoes individually and just in the last couple of weeks that's exactly what I've been doing. But buying in bulk (comparably speaking 5# is cheaper than one) has been so ingrained I find it very difficult. As well as I'm an impulse person and when I decide I want a certain dish I want to have the ingredients on hand. If i wait 3 days to go shopping and buy the ingredient then, well, when I go to cook - I don't feel like have that dish any more.
(welcome to my world)
Yukon Golds and Russets are the two potato types I buy regularly. I can do everything I do with potatoes with these two types.

YG are a more flavorful version of the all-purpose potato that's been around forever.
Yukon Gold potatoes are perfect for mashed potatoes. They have a richer flavor and give the mash a creamy texture without losing shape. When it comes to baking, Yukon makes the potatoes tender on the inside with a crispy crust on the outside.

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