Tuesday's Dinner (July 12th 2011)

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Senior Cook
Mar 16, 2010
Have we not started this one yet?

I have no idea what I'm doing tonight. Maybe some spaghetti with a salad.
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I was going to start this thread just to get some ideas. I have no definitive plans either.
I've got a couple partial containers of stock in the fridge... and some mushrooms and onions... I'm pretty sure I'm going to make some gravy for tonight. What it is going to go on is still up in the air.
We need to use up a lot of stuff that I made to get dd and dh through the week since I work evenings. Dd went to stay at her brothers house so all that food has just become leftovers.

Hey Snip what is a "finished having dinner?" Is that like mustgos, dabbas, leftovers?
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Well, seeing as it is my birthday also, I was offered a trip to eat out. But I would rather sip on a couple of Belgian beers, do up a rack of lamb on some charcoal, with some roasted potatoes, and a pear-gorganzola tarte for desert with some chocolate and Pinot Noir.....I bought a triple chocolate cheese cake to suprise my wife and daughter. Its a secret.
It's flippin' HOT here. Heat index around 110°. I made some macaroni salad with tuna this morning so we'll have that along with fresh tomatoes and cucumbers from the garden and a fruit bowl.

Happy Birthday RL!
I picked up a boneless pork butt roast so I'll be braising that and making gravy.
Hey! Another birthday! Happy birthday to you, too.
I vote for the lamb, too... if you take a picture ;^)

I saw a little piece of steak in the fridge just now. I think it will turn into a cheese steak sandwich for tonight.
Don't know. It's really hot and humid so SO won't want anything hot and heavy. I'll probably grab something from the freezer and she'll probably have a salad.
Since cleaning DS's bedroom yesterday (it had become a storage room ala Hoarders) and moving in the double bed today, I seem to be plum out of energy and inspiration. If I cook, it'll be a quick and easy one pot dinner. Not sure what that will be just yet.
Well, seeing as it is my birthday also, I was offered a trip to eat out. But I would rather sip on a couple of Belgian beers, do up a rack of lamb on some charcoal, with some roasted potatoes, and a pear-gorganzola tarte for desert with some chocolate and Pinot Noir.....I bought a triple chocolate cheese cake to suprise my wife and daughter. Its a secret.

Ooooh, that sounds good! Pictures would be great. The hubby and I are making foil dinners with fish, asparagus, mushrooms, onions, dill and lemon. Maybe a little tarragon too.
Apparently when I looked in the freezer last night the cold air was so refreshing that it made me delirious. When I looked in there I saw a package of dried split peas and thought, "I'll make split pea soup tomorrow!" I've never made it and thought it would be a good idea. Then today the reality of the 100 degree temperatures with a heat index several degrees higher hit. There is no way I'm going to have soup bubbling on the stove today!

So, as of now I have no clue what we will be eating, but whatever it is, it won't heat the house up any more than necessary. :cool:
Apparently when I looked in the freezer last night the cold air was so refreshing that it made me delirious. When I looked in there I saw a package of dried split peas and thought, "I'll make split pea soup tomorrow!" I've never made it and thought it would be a good idea. Then today the reality of the 100 degree temperatures with a heat index several degrees higher hit. There is no way I'm going to have soup bubbling on the stove today!

So, as of now I have no clue what we will be eating, but whatever it is, it won't heat the house up any more than necessary. :cool:

:ROFLMAO: POst them here, I'll make it for you! It's 4 degrees on our thermometer at the moment and that's indoors!
Well, seeing as it is my birthday also, I was offered a trip to eat out. But I would rather sip on a couple of Belgian beers, do up a rack of lamb on some charcoal, with some roasted potatoes, and a pear-gorganzola tarte for desert with some chocolate and Pinot Noir.....I bought a triple chocolate cheese cake to suprise my wife and daughter. Its a secret.

HaPpY BiRtHdAy!! Here is your virtual birthday cake. Enjoy!!!!

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Apparently when I looked in the freezer last night the cold air was so refreshing that it made me delirious. When I looked in there I saw a package of dried split peas and thought, "I'll make split pea soup tomorrow!" I've never made it and thought it would be a good idea. Then today the reality of the 100 degree temperatures with a heat index several degrees higher hit. There is no way I'm going to have soup bubbling on the stove today!

So, as of now I have no clue what we will be eating, but whatever it is, it won't heat the house up any more than necessary. :cool:

Run an extension chord to your back porch and use your crock pot.

I think I could eat the dinner we had tonight all summer long. Macaroni salad with albacore tuna and fresh fruit.


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