Trick or Treat!

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
What fun!
I mean, really!
This was the first year in over 10 years that we were in a neighborhood that had for real Trick o' Treating going on!
I had done some research before hand and found out that you could potentially get 100 + kids begging candy from you :LOL:
Something in me said, get loads of 'good' candy and a big cooler full of mini water bottles... you get thirsty out there being a goblin ;)
I dressed up as a 'good witch' with loads of candy (please, take TWO handfuls) and cold water... DH thought that I was NUTS but y'know what?
I had a great time, let the kids grab as much candy from the bowl as they could and passed at more than 50 mini waters!
We had two melt downs because there wasn't any juice boxes, but we averted any huge problems by making sure that those two cuties got a juice!







I had THE best time!



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My youngest TOT couldn't get up the step and was dressed as a skunk, she was soooo cute. Had about 20 kids before I ran out of candy. I got two bags last year and had a bag left over...
So cute, K-Girl! That includes you, too. :) But only 100 kids? Huh, Juliet up the street said she gave only one piece of candy to each kid...and ran out of her 470 pieces. :ohmy:

If you guys looked at the Halloween dinner thread, you saw my favorite costume - a taco. Himself said I missed out on the four-tiered birthday cake (complete with candle!) and the slice of pizza. At least I was warm inside. :)
K-Girl... While I am the original Halloween grinch (oh wait, that's Christmas), I applaud your enthusiasm for Trick or Treaters.. :)

Nice photos! Cute kids and costumes.

As I had mentioned earlier, our Halloween has been postponed until Friday. We bought a bag of 150 candies (Costco). In addition, SO got some allergen-free stuff and special treats for some of our friends' kids. It'll all be gone by the end of the night and we'll have to shut off the porch light.

With all that doorbell ringing and strange kids and adults walking around, our granddaughter's chihuahua, who barks frantically when a leaf falls off a tree anywhere in the neighborhood, should have a coronary by the end of the night.
I went to my daughter's house last night so I can pass out candies while she and her husband took their kids out ToT'ing. Not many ToT'ers last night as compared to the the last few Halloweens I helped out. I'm pretty sure the World Series game coinciding had a lot to do with it. Many parents kept their kids inside so they can watch the game. I don't blame them...:LOL:
Heh, thanks guys.
I spoke with some of our neighbors this morning, and they didn't get nearly as meany kids as we did. One guy said he had all of his outside lights on and not one kid came to his house.
As I was sitting outside, I noticed last night that if folks weren't sitting outside passing out candy, the kids didn't stop by.
Next year I think I'm going to dress as Santa Claus and yell, "ho ho ho Merry Christmas"! :LOL:
Aw, what cute costumes! I'm always amazed at how creative people can be.

470 kids? WOW!

A couple years ago I saw a little boy in a gray mouse costume, complete with large ears and a tail. All you could see of him was his face. He was about two or three years old and he was holding his tail when I saw him. He told me he had to hold his tail or it would get lost. He probably meant it would get stepped on. LOL
470 trick or treaters, CG....:ohmy: Holy moly!

kgirl...loved the pics, and you do look cute all dressed up in your Halloween outfit. :LOL::wub:
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