Today's harvest

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Left and right sides of lettuce garden. It's been keeping us in salads. It has a cover for it, we close at night and open in the mornings, facing south.
I picked those black cherries today, and even more juliets, that had ripened since those last ones I picked! There were 6 or 7 of them that had blown off the plants, because of the gusty wind early, but I had picked everything with a blush, and all these had ripened, so I picked them again, along with just 3 ripened Bronze Torch Hybrids. The 3 Negro Aztekas in that bowl were from blossoms I had bagged, on the best plant, and I tagged the stem with the fruits, when I removed the bag. I'll let them ripen some more, and save the seeds from those.
More Juliet's ripening in a short time, and those 3 Negro Aztekas on the right, were bagged on the best plant. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Here's the black tomatoes, almost 3 quarts of mostly Negro Aztekas, a few Ron's Carbons. 10-6 by pepperhead212, on Flickr
Cleaned out one of the tomatoes beds to rearrange and make room for the garlic which will go in , In a few weeks. All tomatoes showing sigs of ripening will sit on the counter to ripe. The remaining green ones will be made into Pickled Green Tomatoes. Got a gallons worth.


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Our first frost is coming.
The nights starting sunday night, a low of 35 deg F, Monday 30, Tuesday 30. We'll be keeping a close watch on the temperatures. We still have peppers out there. He brought in 15 peppers, half yellow half green, or half green half red today. The tomatoes are all done, we have 2 green tomatoes. The kale and collards are still growing. I've been harvesting kale every 3 days, enough for a smoothie and something to steam.
I was over at my friend's house today, because she harvested her peppers and most of her tomatoes, and getting the area ready for the garlic I gave them, to grow that for the first time. These peppers were all the ones ripening from just one plant each, most of them the orange Hanoi Market and yellow Datil. My friend wants to plant even more next season, because she likes the colors so much, not because they use the peppers so much. I told her that I'd look for seeds for some similar peppers, but w/o heat.
My friend's peppers, still producing on 10-12, and only 1 plant each! by pepperhead212, on Flickr

I didn't actually harvest this today, but I saw this almost ready to harvest some off of today, and these choy sum have a longer growth season listed, than most of the other greens. I'll have to make a simple SF with some, just to see what the flavor is like, compared to the other greens.
First flowers on the largest Choy Sum. 10-12 by pepperhead212, on Flickr
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Here is that Choy Sum I harvested some of today, leaving about 2/3 of the plant there, with a bunch of buds on it.
The center, flowering stalk from the choy sum, along with 6 of the larger leaves, from the perimeter. 10-14 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Here's that choy sum plant, after cutting about a third of it off. It finally exposed the smallest wu choy beneath it, which should start growing better now, with more light.
The largest Choy Sum on the right, after harvesting the first stalk, and several leaves. 10-14 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

I went out to just harvest the larger tomatoes, but it had been so windy today, that half the ripe juliets were on the ground! So I picked all those up, as well as any on the plants with a hint of ripening, since this would probably happen again. Only a few others were on the ground, but they are usually some the ones to hold on the loosest. And those Amish Gold Slicers, Beefsteaks, and Early Blue Ribbon hybrids, had about 80% of all the rest, on just those plants.
Just the Amish Gold Slicers and Beefsteaks, about 4 quarts. 10-14 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

The rest of the tomatoes, after the Beefsteak and Amish Gold slicer. Mostly Early Blue Ribbon hybrid. 10-14 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

About 3 quarts of Juliet's and Bronze Torch hybrids. 10-14 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

I had a bunch of Sunsugar, Negro Azteka, and other cherries out there, too, but it just got too windy!
Today is supposed to be the coldest night here, so far this fall, yet we are not in the frost advisory area! This is probably due to the very dry air, and the wind we've been having. Still, today I went out and harvested all of the tomatoes - all of the ripe cherries, and anything else that had just a hint of ripeness. Found a few beans, on plants I thought were dead, and a few okra, which are probably the last of the season, even though it is getting warm again.
The Zluta Gold Kytice cherries, and the misc. remaining larger ones, mostly Amish Gold. 10-16 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Sunsugars, Negro Aztekas, a few Napa Roses, and a few more beans, I thought were dead! 10-16 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Probably the last okra of the year, but you never know! 10-16 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

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