Unconventional pizza toppings

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I grew up in an era before phonics became a popular tool. first time I saw it could not make heads nor tails of it... and still can't. It's true, some old dogs dragns just can't learn new tricks.
I grew up before the era of phonics too. But, didn't your teachers tell you to "sound out" new words?
I grew up before the era of phonics too. But, didn't your teachers tell you to "sound out" new words?
I grew up during phonics. Today mr bliss and I were working on crossword puzzles and he wasn't reading the clue right, so I asked him to sound it out, then he got it. And we're not 7 and 8 years old.
This just in...


Yep. That one passes as unconventional, alright. Of course, it depends on where you live. Some cultures eat snake on a regular basis and as a delicacy, as well as drinking snake bile for medicinal purposes.

(I watch a lot of Bizarre Foods)
I understand experimenting new recipes but this is absolutely unacceptable. 👎😮

Rattlesnake is served to tourists here in Texas. I don't know any real Texans that eat it.

Just curious, would eel or octopus ever be served on a pizza in Italy?

I saw a BBQ competition cook off on TV a few years ago. They were presented with a slab of meat and had to cook from there. I enjoyed the show until one of the meats was a HUGE (albite skinned and headless) rattler. Most were seasoned grillers but there was one young girl, not even sure it she had reached her teens, was giving them a run for their money. It didn't faze her at all, she knew exactly what she wanted to do with it.
I didn't hang around to watch, funnily enough it was time to go and give the horses their last hay for the night.
Rattlesnake is served to tourists here in Texas. I don't know any real Texans that eat it.

Just curious, would eel or octopus ever be served on a pizza in Italy?


You can get seafood pizzas in coastal areas, but not with mozzarella added. I've never heard of eel pizza, I have never even wanted to try eating eel 😳, although it's a speciality in Naples at Christmas, the Capital city of our region. Pizza with Octopus? It exists but not very popular, I wouldn't choose it, but "insalata di polpo e patate" is quite nice.
You can get seafood pizzas in coastal areas, but not with mozzarella added. I've never heard of eel pizza, I have never even wanted to try eating eel 😳, although it's a speciality in Naples at Christmas, the Capital city of our region. Pizza with Octopus? It exists but not very popular, I wouldn't choose it, but "insalata di polpo e patate" is quite nice.
Ahh, you must mean the Feast of the Seven Fishes.

My boss is Italian and his family is from Southern Italy and he makes that meal every Christmas Eve. I had the pleasure one year of being invited to that dinner and it was one of the most spectacular meals I think I've ever eaten.

He might be a pain in the butt at the office, but that man can cook! :ROFLMAO:
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