Unconventional pizza toppings

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I grew up in an era before phonics became a popular tool. first time I saw it could not make heads nor tails of it... and still can't. It's true, some old dogs dragns just can't learn new tricks.
I grew up before the era of phonics too. But, didn't your teachers tell you to "sound out" new words?
I grew up before the era of phonics too. But, didn't your teachers tell you to "sound out" new words?
I grew up during phonics. Today mr bliss and I were working on crossword puzzles and he wasn't reading the clue right, so I asked him to sound it out, then he got it. And we're not 7 and 8 years old.
This just in...


Yep. That one passes as unconventional, alright. Of course, it depends on where you live. Some cultures eat snake on a regular basis and as a delicacy, as well as drinking snake bile for medicinal purposes.

(I watch a lot of Bizarre Foods)
I understand experimenting new recipes but this is absolutely unacceptable. 👎😮

Rattlesnake is served to tourists here in Texas. I don't know any real Texans that eat it.

Just curious, would eel or octopus ever be served on a pizza in Italy?

I saw a BBQ competition cook off on TV a few years ago. They were presented with a slab of meat and had to cook from there. I enjoyed the show until one of the meats was a HUGE (albite skinned and headless) rattler. Most were seasoned grillers but there was one young girl, not even sure it she had reached her teens, was giving them a run for their money. It didn't faze her at all, she knew exactly what she wanted to do with it.
I didn't hang around to watch, funnily enough it was time to go and give the horses their last hay for the night.
Rattlesnake is served to tourists here in Texas. I don't know any real Texans that eat it.

Just curious, would eel or octopus ever be served on a pizza in Italy?


You can get seafood pizzas in coastal areas, but not with mozzarella added. I've never heard of eel pizza, I have never even wanted to try eating eel 😳, although it's a speciality in Naples at Christmas, the Capital city of our region. Pizza with Octopus? It exists but not very popular, I wouldn't choose it, but "insalata di polpo e patate" is quite nice.

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