The Sick Room

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PF, I was up with leg and back spasms in the night and You and Shrek came to mind so I said a long prayer for you both. You are good people and it really saddens me to see you have to go through this. Know that you are in my heart and my thoughts always.
My pulled hamstring is nothing compared to what others are going through. Big hugs and prayers PF and Shrek, Addie, and LP. My thoughts are with you.
for all my friends who are suffering various issues, I am saddened to hear about your struggles and wish nothing but the very best for all of you.

Addie, PF, LP, CW, you are all in our thoughts.
+1. Just read through this - sending good thoughts and prayers to our friends here who are going through very challenging times.
My daughter has been having leg pains.. Went to a doctor and he suspects a ruptured disc..
Plans being made for MRI, etc.. Possible surgery in the near future.. :(

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.

Well, I have good news and not so good news.

First the good - I saw the Oncologist yesterday and the new MRI showed no changes so I can go back to screening mammograms unless anything changes. Basically, this means I am cancer-free. After 10 months of a roller coaster ride, it is good to know it is finally over and on a good note.

Not so good - the oral antibiotic is not working on my legs and they are getting worse. So, in the morning I have to go to the clinic to get a referral to the IV clinic at the hospital. We have been keeping all the cracks and scratches clean and covered but it is not working as it did last time. At the moment I am having problems walking so TB is going to see if he can book one of the mobility buses (he is working and not in this area) to take me to the clinic and then to the hospital. If I go straight to the hospital I have to go to the ER which can take hours. If I get a referral to the IV clinic and can go straight there.

The legs are certainly not as serious as the cancer scare, but if it goes on too long and spreads, the infection can get into my knee replacement. Since the knee is very painful I am worried it is already there.

Thanks for listening. I am just a little nervous right now. I don't react well to IV antibiotic and I am worried about the knee. I don't need/want another surgery.
Thank you all for your prayers. PF, Shrek is going to pull through all this and then have the nerve to say, "I was all right. You just worry too much over nothing."

For the past couple of days I have been developing blisters on my right leg. I was totally baffled. So I called Poo in Vermont to see if he might have some answers for me. None of the medications were touching or even close to the other open wounds. The only thing that touched that part of my right leg was the bandage roll. It is just like regular gauze, only on a roll.

According to Poo, they see this all the time in their ER. When the homeless come in to get their dressing changed, they too were getting blisters. It seems that the gauze is extremely rough and scrapes the skin until blisters develop. So now in his ER they use the dressings that are used for severe burn victims. It is more expensive but over time, it has saved many a leg on a homeless person.

I have a nurse that comes twice a day to change my dressing. So when she showed up this morning, I showed her the new problem. Much to my surprise it had gotten worse overnight. I now have two more open wounds on the leg that already has three. But they are not deep. Tomorrow I go to Winthrop for them to take a looksee. I am so discouraged.
LP, I hope your appointment went well today.

Addie, same to you. And I hope you will try to eat more regularly. Your body has a really hard time trying to heal these skin eruptions when it doesn't get enough nutrition. I know this from personal experience, although the reasons why I have nutritional issues are different from yours. These deficiencies can cause permanent damage.

My MIL, who has been in a nursing home for the past couple of years, has apparently stopped eating and drinking. The doctors have asked my FIL for permission to take her off her diabetes and blood pressure meds and just keep her comfortable with pain meds. So we are probably going to be traveling to Michigan pretty soon. I think DH wants to go sooner rather wait, but I'm not sure what his schedule is like at work right now. Luckily, his boss is very understanding about medical issues and backs him up completely.

Love and best wishes to all of you suffering in any way right now [emoji813]
LP, I hope your appointment went well today.

Addie, same to you. And I hope you will try to eat more regularly. Your body has a really hard time trying to heal these skin eruptions when it doesn't get enough nutrition. I know this from personal experience, although the reasons why I have nutritional issues are different from yours. These deficiencies can cause permanent damage.

My MIL, who has been in a nursing home for the past couple of years, has apparently stopped eating and drinking. The doctors have asked my FIL for permission to take her off her diabetes and blood pressure meds and just keep her comfortable with pain meds. So we are probably going to be traveling to Michigan pretty soon. I think DH wants to go sooner rather wait, but I'm not sure what his schedule is like at work right now. Luckily, his boss is very understanding about medical issues and backs him up completely.

Love and best wishes to all of you suffering in any way right now [emoji813]

I'm so sorry about that GG. They wanted to use a feeding tube on my father and I wouldn't let them. Having Alzheimers, I think he actually forgot how to chew and swallow. I'm glad her doctors have a more humane idea these days.
I'm so sorry about that GG. They wanted to use a feeding tube on my father and I wouldn't let them. Having Alzheimers, I think he actually forgot how to chew and swallow. I'm glad her doctors have a more humane idea these days.

Thank you, Kayelle. My MIL has some form of dementia, which apparently can be caused by the stroke-like event she suffered, combined with being in the nursing home. So you may be right about forgetting how to do these things. A feeding tube was offered as an option, but my FIL knew that she would not want that.
I'm so sorry to hear this, GG. :( I'm remembering from experience with my own folks as they were aging, and how hard it is to see them get more tired, confused, and just kind of shut down. I'm glad to hear DH's boss is understanding with family issues and is good about him taking time off when he needs it. No one should worry about job issues at a time like this. Sending prayers to all of you. :wub:
GG I am so sorry. I remember when Dad got to that point. I was the one having to make the decision and it was gut-wrenching. I think your DH is right in not wanting to wait. People who make that choice often don't last very long after. For Dad it was exactly a week.

I am sending big hugs and lots of prayers your way.
...My MIL, who has been in a nursing home for the past couple of years, has apparently stopped eating and drinking. The doctors have asked my FIL for permission to take her off her diabetes and blood pressure meds and just keep her comfortable with pain meds. So we are probably going to be traveling to Michigan pretty soon...
I'm sorry and sad for you and your DH, GG. I'm glad he will be allowed to go help his Dad during this difficult time. Safe travels to you when you leave for MI and on the way back.
GG, I am so sorry to hear such news. This is common towards the end with patients who have some form of dementia. I see it every week when I go to Winthrop. Damn, this hideous disease. It not only steals all your memories, it just sucks the life right out of you.

I have always told my kids, I don't mind getting old. I do mind losing my ability to be totally independent. But considering my age (79) I still have all my mental falculties. Sometimes it will take me a minute or so to remember a word, but that is all right with me.

I wouldn't wait. Get moving and in that car now. Having worked in nursing homes in years past, I would often see patients tell me that they saw an angel in their sleep. Or a loved one. Then they would tell me it was time for them to go. A couple of days later, they passed. Each patient would do something to get ready. Some would stop eating, or drinking, Some wanted to be wearing their very best clothing, etc. They just knew their time has come.

One patient scared me so bad. She was sitting at the table with her food in front of her. She yelled out, "I'm coming darling, I am coming." Then plopped her head down right into her plate, dead. Not one other patient was upset by any of the fuss that came with it. All you would hear was, "That is how I want to go."

I will be adding you and DH in my prayers today. Travel safely in this winter weather.
Thank you everyone. We appreciate your good thoughts [emoji2]

Addie, I'm letting my husband take the lead on this one. It's his family and his job, and we can't just drop everything and take off. Plus, that area of the country got nine inches of snow last night and they're expecting more tonight. We'll have to see how it goes.
Thank you everyone. We appreciate your good thoughts [emoji2]

Addie, I'm letting my husband take the lead on this one. It's his family and his job, and we can't just drop everything and take off. Plus, that area of the country got nine inches of snow last night and they're expecting more tonight. We'll have to see how it goes.

Yeah. I thought of that after I posted. Sorry.
I am very sorry to hear of all the medical problems my friends here are going through. Addie and LP, I am praying that you both get healing for your legs.

PF, I am praying for Shreck, that his condition continues to improve.

GG I am praying for your MIL and for peace to help your family through this.

Prayers also for you CWS for relief from your hamstring pain, and also for your daughter Just Cooking, for her possible upcoming surgery.

Hope everyone else is doing fine.
Here's some smiles for the Sick Room...

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