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Senior Cook
Feb 14, 2012
I have read this and i wanted to pass this along to the more exper. cooks. Is this statement true. Boneless Turkey Breasts: Cook Covered... - it says Covering a roasting pan provides an entirely different cooking method for your boneless-turkey breast. Ruth Cousineau, writing for "Gourmet" favors the covered-pan because it uses two different styles of oven cooking. The heated air within the oven's chamber roasts the bird from the outside, while the trapped, moist air within the pan braises the bird. Cousineau writes that "the meat cooks quickly and stays very moist."

Read more: Boneless Turkey Breasts: Cook Covered Or Uncovered? | LIVESTRONG.COM Is the heated air within the ovens chamber roasts the bird from the outside??? It is covered ....not understanding?
If this statement is true ....can someone help to explain it more. Thanks....I thought when you roast you dont use a cover.
"Ruth Cousineau, writing for "Gourmet" favors the covered-pan because it uses two different styles of oven cooking. The heated air within the oven's chamber roasts the bird from the outside, while the trapped, moist air within the pan braises the bird. Cousineau writes that "the meat cooks quickly and stays very moist."

What a load of crap! This is so wrong. The air in the oven chamber heats the covered pan, that's all. It has no direct effect on the turkey. The closed vessel braises the turkey. Please forget you saw that.

What I would do to a boneless turkey breast is stuff it, roll it, tie it and roast it. IT will have a nice crispy golden brown skin.

It should look like this:


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thanks for your help again. I figured you ....ANDY or some of the other cooks would set me straight. It threw me for loop i thought i would see what you guys thought. THX
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