Searching for flour - found it

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Katie H

Site Moderator
Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
I live in the Heartland of the United States
For more than 30 years I have made all our bread products and have been having a challenge finding ANY type of flour.

Happily I found a resource and ordered a 50-pound bag of bread flour today. I usually buy my bread flour at Sams in 25-pound bags.

Never mind.

No flour is available in my area right now and I am thankful I can get what I need. I just received an email telling me my flour is on its way.

If you are interested, you can check out this link look at this . Got it.
How are you storing your flour? Curious about other people storage techniques.

I’m fortunate that I bought a bunch of 5lb KA flour at Chrístmas time when it is on sale.
For flours that I will be using regularly and soon, I store them in canisters on the kitchen counter. For flours that I won't be using soon or that I don't use often, I store them in the freezer.
I dont use enough flour to purchase 50# bags but I usually have a few 5# bags in reserve. I put them in one of the large seal a meal bags, seal them then store them in a cool spot in my basement. The flours that I use routinely and that are opened are stored in huge tupperware bins I got ages ago. Small bags of specialty flours get stored in the resealable sealameal bage and put into the freezer.
Since I make all our bread products, I go through flour pretty fast. 25 pounds doesn't last very long. As for storing I have several HUGE Tupperware bins that I store the flour in. Otherwise, in the freezer.
Do you have to be a Republican to order from them?

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As of right now, you can order 5 pound bags of AP and bread flour via the King Arthur site. It's on backorder for 3-4 weeks, but at least you can actually order it
I saw King Arthur unbleached AP in Publix this weekend. I didn't need it, so I didn't pick up any.
I haven't seen any flour, other than a very rare bag of other flour, like almond or coconut, at Publix since all this started. Winn Dixie too. I had just bought some AP and bread flour not long before and Wal-Mart had a little Gold Medal when I had to get medicine so got a bag, but I've been baking more, so am down to about 1/3 bag of bread and just opened the Gold Medal. Considering it took Amazon almost 5 weeks to deliver toilet paper, I'd rather have some on backorder than not at all.
I just ran out of rye flour, which I never did, before this pandemic, as I would go down to the Amish market, where I bought my dark rye flour, and stock up when I was down to maybe 7 or 8 cups. I can't picture any way that they can practice "social distancing" in that place, and a friend in the area said that she noticed that the parking lot was as packed as always, when she drove by, so I had to look for an online source. Turns out, the best price I got was on whole rye - only $1.44/lb., for 25 lbs. I wouldn't buy that much rye flour, but this will keep well - longer than it will take me to use it.

It never made sense when the market sold whole rye at a considerably higher price than flour - same thing with WW berries there, and in many other places.
$7.99 for a 5 pound bag of flour? Talk about price gouging! King Arthur flour, which in my opinion is the best quality flour available, sells for $4.95 for a 5 pound bag of AP or Bread flour, and $5.95 for Whole Wheat, red oe white.
Our local Aldi has had flour the last two weekends. I usually go first thing in the morning before things sell out so luckily I managed to get two bag.
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