Peanut butter warning! (RE: FDA Recall ONLY!)

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Katie H

Site Moderator
Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
I live in the Heartland of the United States
My local NBC television station just posted a warning for Great Value and Peter Pan peanut butter. If you have a jar that has the batch number (on the lid) beginning with "2111," throw it out. It may contain salmonella.

Check with the store where you bought it for replacement information.
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Thanks, Katie, for the info! I went right to the pantry to check our pb. It's Jif so we're safe.
My NBC affiliate here only mentioned Peter Pan. I checked our supply, and found two. I called my g'mother, who gave us the PB, and told her. She checked her stuff, and found the Great Value brand with the code number. Although at that time, I wasn't aware of Great Value also being a part of it, I told her to call around. Sure enough, about 15 minutes later, we confirmed that GV is also being recalled.
Katie, Thanks. We only use Natural Peanut Butter...Smuckers or Health Food Store Brand. Nice to know. Thanks again
I have an entire case at work I have to put on 'quality hold'....Mine are 32 oz size, too:(. We use them to make peanut butter chiffon pies with chocolate crusts and peanut butter swirl brownies.
AllenOK said:
My NBC affiliate here only mentioned Peter Pan. I checked our supply, and found two. I called my g'mother, who gave us the PB, and told her. She checked her stuff, and found the Great Value brand with the code number. Although at that time, I wasn't aware of Great Value also being a part of it, I told her to call around. Sure enough, about 15 minutes later, we confirmed that GV is also being recalled.

That just proves that for the most part, buying the cheaper store brand is usually a cost efficient decision. Most name brand products sell their product to store labels, too...with no difference to the recipe or formula.
thanks! jake got a jar with 2111. he was gonna cook peanutbutter crackers, too. thanks a million!
I heard this on the news this morning as well. I wonder how salmonella can get into peanutbutter?
Amber, Salmonella bacteria are generally spread by what is called the fecal-oral route.

That only means that the bug lives in the intestines of animals and enters our mouths, thence to infect us.

There are many animals that can harbor Salmonella including chickens, pigs, beef, even your dog and cat. And they apparently have no symptoms, their system is set up to resist the bug just as ours is to many other microorganisms.

But they can pass the germs on. And we humans are not resistant to them.

And so we get sick.

The germs get into chicken eggs as they are passed into the cloaca (the common anatomic excretory organ for birds) as they are laid (there is also evidence the bugs can get into the egg when it is developing in the ovary).

Chicken meat is infected mostly when the animals are cleaned for eating, there is almost no way not to allow some bowel contents to drop onto the meat.

The same problem arises with E. coli infections in beef, there is always some intestinal spillage onto the meat.

How it got into the peanut butter I have no idea.

It may have been a worker in the peanut plant who had the stuff on his/her hands or gloves.

Or it may have been some lapse in the production process that let contaminated material into its product.

In a well run factory, there are not all that many chances for contamination.

Hopefully they will find the culprit person or process lapse, and we will all be safer.

And then we will all be potential victims for the next lapse of a manufacturing process.

So it goes.
they emphasize at school that food doesn't get people ill, people get people ill.
washing & sanitation 'er so important.
Way way was in the farthest reaches of my cabinet here at home, I found an old jar of Peter Pan. When I say old, this jar is close to a year old...and it had the 2111 number on it. And, it's a reduced fat formula. I wonder how the reduced fat formula can have the same lot number as the regular formula. And, why does it date from so long ago?? If this lot number has been on the shelves since August (which means it's probably at least a year old), why is it taking so long now for people to experience symptoms?
Makes me wonder if it's not actually something else or perhaps a more specific number may be required.
My dad told me about this last night. TC checked our jar & it has 2111 on it. We've been eating from that jar for a few weeks, so luckly no one has gotten sick from it.
I mentioned it to my sister. She said that they had just finished off two jars, creamy & chunky, with the 2111. They bought it a few months ago and live in another state.
Like a lot of us do, they wash up the jars and use them for storing odds n ends...etc. She thought maybe she should just pass on these jars and toss them.
I am sure that we will be hearing more about this story since so many people are already finding that they have allergies to it.
Personally I would ditch the Jif or Peter Pan Peanut butter in place of Natural Peanut butter (Just Ground up peanuts)

Most Retail Peanut butters have hydrogenated oils(transfats) in them to help prevent the oil from seperating. And sugar.

Thanks for the heads up.
When I read the title of this thread, I thought for sure the warning was going to be about peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth.
VeraBlue said:
Way way was in the farthest reaches of my cabinet here at home, I found an old jar of Peter Pan. When I say old, this jar is close to a year old...and it had the 2111 number on it. And, it's a reduced fat formula. I wonder how the reduced fat formula can have the same lot number as the regular formula. And, why does it date from so long ago?? If this lot number has been on the shelves since August (which means it's probably at least a year old), why is it taking so long now for people to experience symptoms?
Makes me wonder if it's not actually something else or perhaps a more specific number may be required.

I've been eating PB from a jar of peter Pan with that same number on the lid!!

When I found that out, I tossed it in the trash.
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