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Washing Up
Mar 25, 2006
Culpeper, VA

We just went thru quite the nasty blow here. So nasty that I was seriously starting to think we had a tornado passing thru. I'll have to wait & see what the news says - for all I know, we did. The rain was so bad it looked like snow.

The worst - besides the constant cloud-to-ground lightning was the WIND. I had windows leaking that never leaked before, saw trees bent to the ground, there are branches down everywhere, & my lovely 24" (or is it 26") deck tubs, which held lovely healthy perfectly matched & symmetrical 3-foot high Dwarf Alberta Spruces & deep royal purple petunias were knocked over & uprooted. I was shocked, since I've had those tubs for quite a few years now & even the most vicious storms haven't moved them. They're darn heavy. Which is why I think we may just have dodged a tornado bullet. Since the wind just now died down, husband & I went out & just stuck the trees & petunias roughly back in the pots & tied the pots & trees with hay-baling twine to the deck railing post in case another storm wave hits. I'll have to re-do them properly tomorrow when hopefully the storms will have abated. Sigh. Never a dull moment. Those little trees were doing so well too, as were the petunias.

To make things worse, husband & I just fed & walked dogs & discovered that we have lost one of our beloved Osage Orange trees!!! It's somewhat split down the middle & many of the upper branches are broken & stuck in the upper parts of what's left of the tree as well. Not to mention the ground is completely litttered with "oranges". Husband is definitely not happy, as he has put off repairing our chain saw & so now has no way of dissecting the remains of said tree. They don't call Osage Orange "ironwood" for nothing - it's unbelievably hard, & there's no way in heck husband will be able to saw thru it with a hand saw. Sigh.

Plus, one of the braces for our woodstove chimney also bit the dust, which means dear husband will have to hoist himself up onto that steep roof tomorrow to see what's what. Should be fun.

Sent husband out to pick up Chinese takeout as I'm no longer in the mood to cook anything. I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be an ugly ugly day.

Wow - sky blackening unbelievably yet again & lots of thunder & lightning approaching fast. Guess Round 2 is on its way. :wacko:
Sounds like a nasty storm! I sure hope your and your husband will be safe, and your yard and home as well. Good luck while you ride out the storm. Keep us posted!

Sounds like you had a very nasty storm. Maybe lightening got your orange tree? Split down the middle? Wow!!! Count yourselves fairly lucky. Let us know how things go.
:neutral:Wow thats tough but hang in there,hunker down and dont stress over things you can not control.In the morning you will make it right the best you can.Mean while enjoy the food and be glad you are safe.JP
You might be able to tie orange tree back together like when people splice two different trees together and save it.
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I know farmers that have Osage Orasnge fence posts that have lasted for years and years that is some tough wood. the very best riding out the nastys be thankful that you and DH are safe and dry. flowers cab be replanted you and DH can't
Breezy, that must have been an awful storm. The one good thing you and your husband are Okay. Trees, petunias can be replaced..You're well being is more important..Take care and I'm glad you are not hurt.
And it doesn't get better - lol!! After spending the morning doing damage survey, many of the huge mature hardwoods separating our land from the neighbors', as well as in our own little woodland, have been snapped in half (we're talking 100-foot+ tall trees), & I found my wheelbarrow, various horse blankets, & buckets had been blown clear out of the barn & out into the yard! Thankfully, all horsies were okay & no downed trees hit the barn or my fencing (although one did come darn close!).

The news this morning made no mention of any tornadoes coming thru, but darned if I don't think this might have been one. Even the big hurricane several years ago with 80 mph winds didn't do this much damage to us.

And unfortunately Jpmcgrew, that Osage Orange tree was/is HUGE. There's no way that Humpty Dumpty will be put back together again. Firewood or perhaps, since it's such long-lasting wood, a natural log border for a plant bed.
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