Mystery Potato recipe that I lost

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
I was on the computer last night when one of those short cooking videos came up. Not sure if it was " Tasty" , "Food Network". or something else. I think the chef was Indian with a chefs hat on. He boiled then riced the potatoes, added potato starch too it and deep fried. then did something else, and deep fried again. Then served it over some kind of sauce.

The potato ' dumplings' were round and slightly smaller than a golf ball.

I know this is very vague, but when I went to save it and send it to myself, it got lost, and I couldn't find it after that.

If this recipe makes sense to anyone ( I know its vague). or if anyone saw the same video I saw, point me in the right direction .

Indian potato balls are also known as aloo bonda.

(Thanks to my brother in law from Delhi.)
If you watched it on YouTube, it should be in your history. Maybe you can find it in your browser history. In FireFox, ctrl-h brings up a side panel with browsing history.
If you watched it on YouTube, it should be in your history. Maybe you can find it in your browser history. In FireFox, ctrl-h brings up a side panel with browsing history.

It was through Facebook. They also have a history or " videos you recently watched". and I just cant find it. I looked back on my feed and cant find anything. One of those freaky mysteries. Not the end of the world, but im one of the obsessive compulsive kinda people, and wont be satisfied until I find it again ( or forget about it) :)
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