My laptop is bulging!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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Himself said congratulations on the successful surgery. ;)
You can fix everything that is wrong with that Acer if you go to the Apple Store. There is probably one in your nearest mall. Once you go Mac, you won't go back but if you do decide macOS isn't for you, a MacBook can run Windows just fine. Did I mention the ten hours of battery life?

This message is not sponsored by Apple but if Tim Cook wants to send me one, I won't complain.
LOL My son & I have a running feud between Android and Mac. I've disliked them since the first home computers came out.

But I'm wondering if your computer's battery would not have overheated had you unplugged and let it use up its energy once in a while. Maybe your battery was bored doing nothing and just over indulged its food and put on weight like many of us glued to their monitors/screens.
bucky... so sorry, I forgot you don't see thru 'dragn eyes'. Whether human or dragn, I visualize 'roasted and crispy skin' or 'how fast can I descale?' which sauce.. if any.. will make this morsel taste better than it looks... roasted, toasted, dunked or stewed. These thoughts are constantly going thru my brain...

not to mention the possibilities out there on the 'net...!


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Dragon, schmagon.. I KNEW Canadians ate their young.

With their "Ehs" and their "oots", their politeness and welcoming nature... It's all a ruse.

Did you ever notice there's not that many of them?
Well, come on up and visit for a bit e, I'm sure you would be very tasty love our hospitality. we do know how to serve up a few tortures tourieres hot out of the oven!
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