My kitchen purchase of the week

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Mad Cook

Master Chef
Jun 9, 2013
North West England
I'm not gadget orientated in the kitchen. It has to work better than any other tool or it doesn't get bought.

I had a £10 "Lakeland" voucher which needed spending so I took myself off to the nearest Lakeland store this afternoon (driving up the motorway with all the car windows open was the only cool place I could find). Had a quick pootle round the baking area and didn't find anything I needed and moved on the electric kettle display as I need a new one and they had one of their own brand on offer. While there I saw a gadget which I had scoffed at in the catalogue but which looked a lot more sensible in real life. A one-cup tea and coffee maker (like a miniature filter coffee machine). Only 500watts and just made enough for one cup. As there was already £5 off the full price and I had the voucher it only cost £4.99 so I took the plunge. Just used it for a cup of tea and I think it will take a bit of experimentation - I like strong tea but this was STRONG!! However, it's quick, cheap to run and made a good cuppa. Will be interesting to see what it does with coffee.

Very pleased with it so far. Obviously not for a family but great for one person. My "jug" kettle has to have a minimum of 2 big mugs of water in it so it's quite wasteful but this just boils a mug or cupful.
Ah, one of our favorite topics here. A good cup of coffee/tea. I hope you enjoy your new maker and figure out it's idiosyncrasies.
On a visit to see my very good friend in Arizona, I saw she had a "desktop" coffee maker in her kitchen. It was rubbish for when we both wanted a good mug of coffee but perfect for one person. As soon as I got home, I got myself on Amazon and found one.

I use it every day. :)

(I have a cafetiere in case anyone visits and wants a coffee instead of tea.)

Oh, and my American friend thinks I am "un-British" for drinking coffee instead of tea!
Oh no! What do you mean pacanis? I was just about to go to bed! How did you pootle? And what does it have to do with tea or coffee! :LOL:

Lets just say it wasn't a quick pootle around the baking area :angel:
Now, Pac, you really have to quit pootling in the baking area. We've warned you before.

C'mon Dawgluver - I'm a newbie - what have I stumbled into here?

I spent a lot of time reading the "makin bacon" thread yesterday and it was so funny!

But I think I may have annoyed people or something?

Are new people just annoying because they are new?:(
We're allowed to be annoying as long as we do not annoy anybody else.

In my city we are just getting used driving in the new round-abouts.

So you may imagine what it means to pootle to buy a hottle.:LOL:
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No idea. (seriously). Is this a DC thing?

Sorry Katy, we can get a bit silly around here. Although it's rare. ;)

No, honey, a lot of us like to rib each other, and we have a good time. A lot of us were probably class clowns back in the day, just jump right in!
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Rare? Shame on you Dawg! That's a whopper fib! Teasing the newbie. It's all in good fun, Katy.
What are we missing here? ;)
A black pootle


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We're allowed to be annoying as long as we do not annoy anybody else.

In my city we are just getting used driving in the new round-abouts.

So you may imagine what it means to pootle to buy a hottle.:LOL:

Whiskadoodle, those are, undoubtedly, supposed to be wise words. However, they come across (to my British ears) as total crap.

You will excuse my "French" of course?
Hmmm, sorry Katy. None of my words were meant as wise, other than perhaps a little wise-cracks. And I apologize if they sound like crap, since they are not intended in this manner.
Okay. Can we start again?

Hi, I'm Katy.

I'm not a horrible person. And definitely not a troll!

I love cooking.

And that is why I am here.

It is very nice to meet you!
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Hi, I'm Fred but you can call me Whiska since everyone else does.
I like cooking and sometimes jabbering about it.
Nice to meet you too. :cool:
Hmmm, sorry Katy. None of my words were meant as wise, other than perhaps a little wise-cracks. And I apologize if they sound like crap, since they are not intended in this manner.

Oh, see now, you are making me feel bad. I should know this stuff and if my friend in AZ wasn't busy doing her chores I'd have asked her what you meant. (Actually, I am still going to.) :)
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