Maruyoshi HD Honesuki

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Nov 22, 2009
Chesapeake Bay
Around my birthday last month one of these showed up:


I got to use it tonight for the first time on some chicken wings. The wings parted like butter. It took almost no pressure to slice though joints and break the wings down to three pieces.

Oh my. I might have to go buy more wings now (and they are on sale) just to do more cutting. :cool:
Sweet! I wonder if that one made a detour through Wisconsin on the way from Japan?;) Definitely prettier than my Tojiro honesuki!
Nice knife.
I use kitchen shears on wings. I use my honesuki when I'm trimming meat away from bones. They're pretty sturdy knives for sure.
See, I just don't think I could use a knife like that. I'd be so distracted by how pretty and shiny the blade is that I'd probably take my thumb off.

When you watch it go through the chicken wing the first time you won't be distracted. Oh no, you pay real close attention. Yikes... :)
I think you have the right of it. The petty is a paring knife (though some of them are way too big for that in my eyes..).

I still want the petty... getting there.. getting there...
Thanks for the confirmation. One of my wife's favorites is a 6" petty / utility knife. Over the past 2 1/2 years, she's suffered several puncture wounds from careless handling. The sharp thin point facilitates removing unwanted parts from items like tomatoes.
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The downside to the $135 model SG0409 6” knife referenced by me above is that the ersatz Damascus cladding scratches very easily. This has proven quite annoying in that I originally wasted a lot of time polishing out these scratches as they occurred and that these scratches mask a visual verification that the knife has been properly cleaned.
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I think this knife should be sent to Texas for testing and evaluation purposes. I might know someone you could you out with this.

No, no.

That's how I nearly cut off the end of my index finger this summer. (But with a Henkel chef's knife)

Actually, I only said that to make Frank say, "GAH!":ROFLMAO:

It was worth it!

I usually use my blender on the ice chopper speed when I want chopped ice!

I buy inexpensive knives, why spend lots of money on something I am likely to do serious harm to myself.:LOL:
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