Kitchen Aid Spiralizer attachment

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
I just ordered one of these for us. There was a discussion on here a while back about a spiralizer and I thought about getting that one but was hesitating because so many of the little gadgets I've gotten over the years don't work well (or at all) and end up breaking or getting thrown away. It seems to have gotten pretty good reviews but we'll see. Can't wait to give it a try.
They are different sizes, spaghetti noodle size to ribbon size. There are 4 or 5 blades. We got it yesterday and will be using tomorrow or the next day. We got some zucchini to try and also some sweet potatoes for 2 different meals.
I asked because the cheap handheld vegetable pasta spiralizer says it will do curly fries but they spiral to a very thin potato chip.
First run with the spiralizer KA attachment. They are about 3/16 inch thick. These are the raw product. Part of dinner tonight. Easy peasy and quick. Clean up was mostly just a quick rinse, though will probably get a dedicated toothbrush to help clean the nooks and crannies of the blades, as I had to get out the vege brush. Oops, they are a zucchini and yellow squash mix.

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You could put them in a grill basket or sauté them. I used them raw in a marinated veggie salad, although I cut them crosswise to have shorter pieces.
like GG said, saute, bake, can fry, I've had tempura veges like that,or you can eat in a raw salad.
Second run with sweet potatos. Used the peeler blade and the spiralizer (at same time). Almost couldn't keep up with keeping the peel separate from the vege curls. Just as easy as with soft squash and simple clean up with a quick rinse again. Actually easier this time as there weren't tiny bits of mushed up squash in the blades.

Third try, thinly spiralized the carrots.

Made noodles out of the squash. Found out you can't use a giant, and I do mean giant, yellow squash though, the action of the spiralizer destroyed the center and made it useless. But, still pretty nice noodles. Can't wait to try potatoes.

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Oops, I just got a new phone and haven't quite got the picture taking thing down yet.
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