I'm a grandma again. Yeah, hooray!

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Katie H

Site Moderator
Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
I live in the Heartland of the United States
Earlier today, about 6:30 p.m. my time I became a grandma for the 6th time. So far, the other grandchildren have been boys and our son, Ryan, was certain their baby was going to be a boy. They already had two sons. I told him not to be too sure because God has a sense of humor.

The last girl in the family was Ryan's sister, Nicole, who will be 37 in November, so we were sorely ready for a girl in the family.

Guess what? God DOES have a sense of humor. The baby IS a girl and mom and baby are fine. No name yet...they didn't even consider that they would have a girl, they didn't even pick out girl names. That part is "to be continued."

I can't wait to make little girl things and, tomorrow, when I go to the shop I'm going to inform my sewing machines that they are going to be smokin'.

Yeah! Yeah!
Awwww, congratulations on your new granddaughter! My 7-month old granddaughter is the light of our lives. Have fun!! She's not going to be spoiled, is she???
Awwww, congratulations on your new granddaughter! My 7-month old granddaughter is the light of our lives. Have fun!! She's not going to be spoiled, is she???

Spoiled? What's spoiled?:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Are you kidding, this child is going to be ROTTEN. I can't wait to make goodies for her!!!

Buck always said it was a good thing I had Nicole, because he said I needed a Barbie doll. Haven't had a Barbie doll in 37 years. Boy, am I overdue!!!
Congratulations :)

My MIL loved to come over sugar the kids up,then leave..Ughhh..Have a good time :)

Oh Katie congratulations! Happy happy news! Break out the ribbons and bows and lace! And then be ready for a football toting toughie! LOL. Can't wait to hear what name they pick.
Congratulations there Grams:LOL: I know how you feel about that little girl. I expected boy four when my daughter had her second baby...Low and behold we now have our Olivia...Whips all the boys, has them wrapped around her finger, loves girly stuff but plays all the boy games. You should see how well Missy throws a baseball Beats her brother every time:ROFLMAO:
ahh little girls...Enjoy your new little one..She is one lucky baby.
so great you've been blessed with a new baby to love & spoil! Grammies 'er excellent for love & spoiling! contratulations!
how wonderful , enjoy. my three year old great granddaughter was over today. she is a job and so smart. her mom is expecting another in oct. it is another girl. i have another great granddaughter that is about 15 month that i don't see as often as i would like. her parents are flakes. anyway little girls are fun and i love to make things for them that are girlie you will too.
And now...the rest of the story. They finally selected a name for the baby today. Her name is Elise Maxine.

Funny thing. Thursday night/Friday morning I had a dream that they named her Elise. I called on Friday and related my dream. Ryan said that name wasn't even on their list.
a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl..Way to go grams:)

You know Kate, When one of my kids was expecting a girl i had long ahead thought of the name "Raven Nicole" but never brought it up to my son and his wife. Well, guess what they named that little girl when she was born? (Raven Nicole). Funny how things happen. lol :)

Elise Maxine >>> That is a very pretty name.
Congratulations Katie! I can't wait to see pictures of Elise!

Our 3rd grandchild is due in 3 weeks. Nancy's others are a boy and a girl, and this one will be a boy. This will be her last baby. If James's daughter has kids (hopefully not for a long time) we will add to our list of grandkids.

I know what you mean about girls! I will be sewing some cute things for Thomas, but girls are more fun to sew for (more variety)!

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