Good Bye My Darling

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Dear PF,
I am so sorry. I just read in another thread about Shrek being gone a month. Please forgive me. I just haven't been around and didn't know.

Please accept my hugs, prayers, love, and condolences. I know how much you loved each other.

Dear PF,
I am so sorry. I just read in another thread about Shrek being gone a month. Please forgive me. I just haven't been around and didn't know.

Please accept my hugs, prayers, love, and condolences. I know how much you loved each other.


Thank you, Lydia!
Picnic area and some family, it was a sad, but good day.


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OMGosh, Princess. Looks like Shrek put in his order for a beautiful day. :wub: Been thinking of you. (((hugs)))
I'll post more pictures, my Daughter is a pic hound and got many good ones of family. She's the redhead in one of the pics above, sitting next to Shrek's Brother, the other guy is my oldest Son.

The other picture is my sister and my niece.
What a beautiful resting place. I'm glad you had so many family members there to celebrate his life with you. Many hugs and much love for you {{{PF}}}
It's a beautiful spot for Shrek's memorial. Having your family there to help celebrate and share memories was a great way to honor him.
Dear PF,
You are indeed blessed to have family around for his memorial. Since we had no children or family, I took er ashes out to sea in a kayak, and scattered them. I have the exact coordinates so I can join her when the time comes.
Blessings to you and your family.
To All, my hear felt Thanks! This has been a draining week and now it all seems so real and less surreal.

Yes, Shrek's urn is a Celtic Cross, the closest thing to religion he ever practiced. Mine is the same, we just aren't going to use it in the near future.

Battling on, moving forward. I CAN do this, it just takes a little more energy to get it (life) done.
To All, my hear felt Thanks! This has been a draining week and now it all seems so real and less surreal.

Yes, Shrek's urn is a Celtic Cross, the closest thing to religion he ever practiced. Mine is the same, we just aren't going to use it in the near future.

Battling on, moving forward. I CAN do this, it just takes a little more energy to get it (life) done.

I'm sorry but I missed something, your husband passed away? I'm sorry for your loss, good to hear you have family around you at this sad time. Thoughts are with you.

I'm sorry but I missed something, your husband passed away? I'm sorry for your loss, good to hear you have family around you at this sad time. Thoughts are with you.


Hi Russ, yes he died 4 months ago after fighting bladder cancer. Thank you for your post.

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