I've had a few members ask why I have been absent lately.
In case others might wonder, I'll fill you in here.
About March, I began to feel badly.
I had difficulty breathing, a loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping and a loss of desire to do most anything, including cooking.
Over the months I was put through a series of medical tests.
It turned out that my greatest problem was AFIB. I, finally, was prescribed a blood thinner and scheduled for a cardioversion, to reset my heart rhythm.
Apparently that procedure was a success as, within a week (actually a short few days) I was back to my normal, grouchy, silly self.
I feel good and even want to cook again.
My sweet Jeannie, who does not cook, took over responsibility for feeding us. I had little to no appetite and my taste buds seemed to take a hike. Jeannie thought this good as, as said, cooking isn't her thing.
All better now and I look forward to rejoining into the forum conversations.