Dried Soup Mixes

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It was good. I don't salt too many things and my refried beans today is a good example of why I don't, but my nurse practioner and I had a talk about my salt intake on Monday. I drink a lot of water because if I don't and I get dehydrated, I get awful headaches. Now when I was in ICU after surgery for my aneurysm, the nurses finally let me have the whole jug of water instead of bringing me glasses of it. But eventually they told me I was overwatered and needed to get some more salt, so would I please order some potato chips or something to balance it out.

So yeah, I probably do get too much salt in the processed food I eat, but I think it balances out with all the water I drink. My NP and I talked about it Monday and she said as long as my kidneys were in good shape, which they are, to just keep doing what I'm doing.

There might have been too much salt in the Hamburger Helper and the onion mix, but although it might have been too salty for anyone else, I didn't add any other salt to it and it tasted fine to me. Plus, I always use about a pound and a half of hamburger anyway.
It was good. I don't salt too many things and my refried beans today is a good example of why I don't, but my nurse practioner and I had a talk about my salt intake on Monday. I drink a lot of water because if I don't and I get dehydrated, I get awful headaches. Now when I was in ICU after surgery for my aneurysm, the nurses finally let me have the whole jug of water instead of bringing me glasses of it. But eventually they told me I was overwatered and needed to get some more salt, so would I please order some potato chips or something to balance it out.

So yeah, I probably do get too much salt in the processed food I eat, but I think it balances out with all the water I drink. My NP and I talked about it Monday and she said as long as my kidneys were in good shape, which they are, to just keep doing what I'm doing.

There might have been too much salt in the Hamburger Helper and the onion mix, but although it might have been too salty for anyone else, I didn't add any other salt to it and it tasted fine to me. Plus, I always use about a pound and a half of hamburger anyway.
Yes, I'm sure I get too much sodium from processed foods as well. I try to make homemade meals for myself, as well as my son, but we do eat a good portion of boxed dinners. Lunch meats as well. And, of course, there's bacon :whistling

I'm the opposite, though, with how much meat I use in Hamburger Helper. I only use 1/2 pound per package. It's mostly my way of saving money. The 1/2 pound seems to work just fine. Besides, my son is the one who eats Hamburger Helper more than I do. I prefer Tuna Helper. So the 1/2 pound of ground beef per package of HH is plenty.
I rarely use them for actually making soup (They can be useful for pot roasts etc though). That being said I can recommend Alessi soup mixes. You can get them at most stores or delivered from amazon. They are 3$ and change per package.

Other than adding some spices they are good right out of the package. The instructions are fine, and there is plenty of flavor. To kick it up a notch use 1/2 water and 1/2 chicken broth but it really isn't needed. Pepper (cracked/ground fresh is best) and a bit of basil will add to the dish. It doesn't need additional salt at all. Cheese (grated parm) on top is nice as well, but again, not needed.

I tried their other dry soups and they are all good, but honestly I prefer most of those (like pasta a fageli) made fresh, only really like the tuscan white bean.

For the most part I don't use dried soups because fresh ingrediants are easy to have at home and are used for other dishes/cooking, and to me, taste better, and you have more control over what you add. It is nice to just open a package, poor it into some boiling water/broth and be done in a few minutes. I'm retired/at home and by myself so there is no need to save a few minutes, but I did use it alot more when I was working full time and taking care of 3 other people. Even then I would usually use a crock pot to make my soup all day while I was at work though, and the taste was so much better, and it made everyone so happy it was worth the little bit of extra effort:)
everyone has their own tastes, , ,
for us, the Lipton "Beefy Onion" dry mix is a favorite for meatloaf - and meatballs.

one 'packet' per two pounds of ground beef.
mix into beaten egg, fold mixture into beef . . .
everyone has their own tastes, , ,
for us, the Lipton "Beefy Onion" dry mix is a favorite for meatloaf - and meatballs.

one 'packet' per two pounds of ground beef.
mix into beaten egg, fold mixture into beef . . .
And rolled oats for the meatloaf
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