Does This Happen With Your Air Fryer?

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon

I've had my Phillips Air Fryer for a little more than
a month now and I'm loving it.
Here's what I've noticed though, it seems to me at least, that
the exhaust fan in the rear of the machine is not
only blowing hot air, but grease as well.

I had just washed my floors; we had gone out to
eat and brought back the leftover Fries to reheat
in the Air Fryer.
They came out better than they were in the
The next day as I padded bare-foot into the kitchen
for a morning cuppa joe, I tell ya, the floors
were greasy!
So I broke out my trusty Hoover Floor-Mate and gave it another scrub.


I only did the kitchen area and this is what I got:



That's some kinda dirty water!

So, does this happen at your house?

Were this happening at my house, I'd very closely watch it as it cooked/reheated something. Can't even imagine why/how that can spit grease, like that.

I probably should have prefaced my post with the fact that the Fries were VERY oily... could that be a problem do you think Ross?

I've never had anything "very oily" in my a/f so, can't address that.

I'm just at a loss as to where the grease is escaping your a/f. Mine (Omni Plus) is the chest type and I cannot see where it might leak. Of course, a very light spritz of oil, to aid in browning, is the only oil that gets into my a/f.

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