Didn't anyone eat tonight on Tuesday the 20th?

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Head Chef
Jan 16, 2016
Puget Sound, WA
I had the rest of my hamburger helper and then I decided to try something new. I still had some English muffins (it was buy one, get one free), so I cut one in half, put a half slice of cheddar cheese on each half, then spread some crush garlic across the top. After that, they went into the over for about 7 minutes. Delicious. So delicious I ate another one the same way and will probably be up with heartburn all night.

I'm going to the store tomorrow to get more English muffins.
I made some zucchini bread and added some ground up plums and cherries (frozen from the trees). It turned out a little wet and it didn't rise very much. So I sliced it and cut those in half, then baked them laying flat on parchment for 70 minutes at 350 deg F. They were very good, chewy and a little crispy on the edges. Mr bliss had a meal sized salad and I had some of the red lentil dish with veggie brown basmati rice-filling. Mandarin oranges.
Homemade pasta
Didn't eat home, had a business dinner.
I ordered:


Creamy Risotto, Roasted Wild Mushrooms, Asparagus, Truffled Pecorino


Broccoli Rabe, Roasted Tomato, Goat Cheese, Garden Pesto

The Risotto was outsttanding
The Cavatelli wasn't bad, but nothing I couldn't make at home.
I made a pasta dish in the Instant Pot for the first time. I browned ground pork, sautéed chopped onion, zucchini and garlic and stirred in a big handful of Penzeys Frozen Pizza Seasoning and Sandwich Sprinkle. Then I layered on Vesuvio pasta, a can of seasoned tomato sauce and a can of diced tomatoes and set it for high pressure for 6 minutes. It came out perfectly. I will definitely do this again.
I had the rest of my hamburger helper and then I decided to try something new. I still had some English muffins (it was buy one, get one free), so I cut one in half, put a half slice of cheddar cheese on each half, then spread some crush garlic across the top. After that, they went into the over for about 7 minutes. Delicious. So delicious I ate another one the same way and will probably be up with heartburn all night.

I'm going to the store tomorrow to get more English muffins.

I can't remember whether you eat seafood or not, but Craig used to make what he called crab melts, canned crab meat drained, shredded cheddar, mayo, some Old Bay seasoning and dry mustard. Mix together gently, spread on English muffins, then under the broiler for a little toasting to warm and lightly brown on top.

We didn't really have dinner last night. Craig had a roast beef sandwich and a bear claw, and I had half of a pimento cheese spread sandwich because we had lunch out after grocery shopping.

Lunch was at World of Beer. We sat outside even though it was a bit chilly. I should have brought my soft denim, long-sleeved shirt but thought it would be warmer in the sun.

Anyway, we both had the same thing, Mongolian BBQ pork belly street tacos with Asian slaw, cilantro, toasted sesame seeds, and sriracha aioli. Very good. They had apple ciders as well so I tried a 5 oz lunch pour of Cider Boys apple caramel cider. I was not impressed. It tasted like a mild baked apple with a HUGE amount of caramel, way too much. At least it was only $3.
I found some ciabatta rolls and packages of three ingredients (either salami or capicola, pepperoni, and provalone) at Aldi. Using some pasta sauce, I made paninis. I don't have a panini press, so I used two cast iron skillets where one weighed down the other. It worked very well. Tasty - even when cold as I could not eat two sandwiches.

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