Child with food allergies

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Farmer Jon

Sous Chef
Sep 14, 2014
Pender Nebraska
My wife and I have struggled with our youngest he is now 1 1/2.

He is allergic to soy, wheat, oats, quinoa, dairy including goats milk, eggs, Intolerant to chicken and peanuts. No breads, cakes, brownies, pizza ect. He can have nothing with eggs wheat milk butter cheese.
Whats worse is the things we dont know about. Feed him peach baby food he has a break out so bad his butt breaks out when he passes it. Feed him canned peaches he is fine. What additives or preservatives in the baby food is he allergic to?
Simple things a such as vaccinations had to be done at the allergist office because some are grown in eggs.
He loves Almond milk thank god. I said hey lets get some almond butter. He cant have peanut butter. Oh no wait its processed in a place that processes peanuts. Crap. Ive learned a ton about reading labels. For example He can have tostitos corn chips but no Doritos. Found some vegan and wheat free mac&cheese. What chemicals do they put in that crap to make it taste like real mac&cheese? He loves potatoes. Wife make him is own special mashed taters with almond milk and vegan butter.

Beeing vegan is a lifestyle choice people choose. If people want to pay high prices to be vegan then I don't care. That vegan stuff is expensive. I have no choice but to buy vegan. He cant have dairy. We end up shopping at whole foods and other specialty stores. His wheat free food is generally gmo free. I don't believe in the non gmo bull but that is a whole different story. I end up paying extra for non gmo because its all I can find that is wheat free!
He can have all kids of fruits,veggies, beef and pork. I will be having a huge garden this year.
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Thanks we will be spending the rest of the afternoon reading through recipes. Some look really good. The rest of the family never eats what he can because it don't taste good to us. Little guy don't know any different. I want him to explore more tastes and textures.
Jon, you have my sympathy. I nursed all of my children. When I wanted to stop nursing The Pirate, he was allergic to cow's milk, goats, soy, and so many others. So I just kept on nursing. Finally on my own I would give him at first a half ounce of cows milk. Reaction wasn't too bad. Did this for about a week. Gradually, little by little increased it to eight ounces. Success. That kid can go through a gallon now on his own at one meal.

Now the "experts" are suggesting the same method for peanuts and other possible food allergies. :angel:
Before and after we found a good allergist. Doctors were no help. Even with all that crap he was always smiling. He itched terrible. Had to keep him in sleepers all the time even in summer because he would dig until he bled. That stuff on his face covered his whole body. We had no idea the food we were feeding was the cause. I was afraid to take him out in public. Everyone stared at us. Ive never felt so helpless.
With in a couple weeks of going to the allergist he was all cleared up.Hes all better now unless someone leaves something he cant have within his reach. Or big brother decides to share his food with him. Just yesterday he learned how to set up mommies step stool so nothing on the counter is safe anymore.


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Jon, my heart goes out to you and your wife. You have quite a long road a head of you until he sees for himself and understands that what he is eating that is causing his misery.

Of course he is not going to believe you or your wife. You two just don't want him to have what he wants. You just want to be mean, you let the other kids have it, why can't he. You will hear it all. My oldest daughter had the worst case of acne I have ever seen. Her pimples were developing into small tumors. The specialist put her on a special diet. She hated it. All the good foods she loved, she couldn't have. So I heard it all. I finally threw up my hands and let her handle it her own way. When those tumors started to grow and become very painful, she learned her lesson. I had them remove the tumors and she stuck to her diet. Today her face is badly scarred, but the tumors stopped.

Good luck in the years to come. It won't be forever. :angel:
...He loves Almond milk thank god. I said hey lets get some almond butter. He cant have peanut butter. Oh no wait its processed in a place that processes peanuts. Crap...
I feel so bad for your and your family, but mostly for your little guy. It will be hard for him growing up wishing he can eat what others have. A big hug to you guys.

If you are interested, Cuisinart makes a mini food processor. It's about $40. I have a much older model than the one shown in the link, but it comes in handy for small batches of lots of things. You might want to get one to use for just the foods that your son does not have allergies to. Good luck in whatever you do. It must be hard on the entire family.
Oh, man I feel for you. The only thing that is non-dairy i can mention, that is also expensive, look for kosher food with simbol Parve. That means it has no milk products. Just another alternative. Do not know how much help this is because the product may contain the other things poor kid cannot have. Just keep it in the back of your mind. I hope he outgrows it. Good luck to you guys and a lot of patients.
Poor little guy....and you and mom, too. It's rough having to make separate meals. Many times kids outgrow their allergies - I hope he does.
Aww, poor little guy. Almond butter is super easy to make, you just need a good food processor. Same with processing your own baby food from fresh produce. Good luck!
If you are interested, Cuisinart makes a mini food processor. It's about $40. I have a much older model than the one shown in the link, but it comes in handy for small batches of lots of things. You might want to get one to use for just the foods that your son does not have allergies to. Good luck in whatever you do. It must be hard on the entire family.

1. I have an old mini cuisinart (maybe 5 years old) that's just sitting around. If you want it, just let me know. Works great and I did use it but got gifted a new one for Xmas

2. If he can eat rice that might a good alternative. Esp brown rice. Much healthier than potatoes.

Asian rice noodles and wrappers are dirt cheap and versatile.
We have a food processor but hes eating more solid foods now that he has teeth. he does like rice. Eats a banana or 2 a day. When he does eat baby food this is his absolute favorite, HE will suck down 3 in less than 2 minutes. We get thense for when we are in the car. I was trying to figure out how to make them myself. We are kind of out in the middle of nowhere. The nearest wal-mart is an hour away. Omaha is 2 hours away. Thats where his allergist is and the nearest Whole Foods. Small town grocers don't carry much he can have. Finally got them to get almond milk in.
HE loves Wimmers all beef hotdogs. They are a local brand. Unfortunately a big company (Land O, Frost) bought them out and we found out yesterday they are shutting the plant down. So, We will be boycotting them. Darn it. HE can have Hebrew national hotdogs. Havent tried them yet but we will have to shortly. I had no idea so many hot dogs had chicken by products in them.
Thank you all for your posts. Just so you know I am not looking for sympathy i am just sharing our experiences. Wondering if anyone went through the same. I am surprised there is not a food allergy section in this forum under special diets. Got gluten free, Veterinarian, and diabetic.

Food is just one part we are struggling with. He cant have any of what I call smell goods. He has a special cream we put on him. NO regular baby lotions or shampoo. If someone wearing alot of perfume holds him he has a reaction. Per the alergist orders he gets bleach baths. Every other day or so give him a bath and just put in a couple cap fulls of bleach. We looked at all kinds of organic soaps. Most popular seem to be goat milk soap or it has lye in it. He cant have either. We use free and clear shampoo and free and clear laundry detergent and dryer sheets on everyone's clothing. I use to love pulling fresh cloths out of the dryer. They smelled so good. Now they smell like nothing.

Thank you all for your posts. Just so you know I am not looking for sympathy i am just sharing our experiences. Wondering if anyone went through the same. I am surprised there is not a food allergy section in this forum under special diets. Got gluten free, Veterinarian, and diabetic.

Food allergies are too diverse and better dealt with by an allergist, rather than folks who do not have said allergies. They fall under "Special Diets". Here, you are the expert when it comes to the foods your son can eat.

Sorry your boy has such a hard time. I have a nephew who has severe allergies and eczema since babyhood, he has grown out of several of them, but not all. It's a challenge and very frustrating, I know.
We have a food processor but hes eating more solid foods now that he has teeth. he does like rice. Eats a banana or 2 a day. When he does eat baby food this is his absolute favorite,

Cook and mush sweet potato and beets, you said you have food processor, or just how you would puree the mashed potato. While cooking add seasoning of his liking. Whatever it might be, and whatever he can have. May have to play around with it. Keep the liquid from cooking add as much as you need to make it slushy consistency. put in one of those kiddy cups with a straw. We buy something similar it has bunch of garbage in there check what it is and see what you can add. To make it sweet you can add some fruits.
For my second son I cooked everything, and I mean everything, and then put thru food processor. He never had baby food. Until our daughter was born 5 years latter and he would still her baby food.
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Oh yea we have a couple kid cups with a straw. I don't know why I Didn't think of that. I keep thinking of a way to make a pouch.
...He cant have any of what I call smell goods.... We looked at all kinds of organic soaps. Most popular seem to be goat milk soap or it has lye in it. He cant have either...
Have you tried soap from the "Kiss My Face" company? About five years ago, I had eczema issues that flared up so bad the Physician's Assistant decided to have a staff doctor check me on my next visit. Fresh out of college with a still-wet diploma and totally wet behind the ears, she started recommending all sorts of products that not only didn't help, they seemed to make things worse. I found information online saying that some people find olive oil to provide relief. Other articles said some people had success using lavender oil to reduce itching. I found Kiss My Face's olive oil and lavender soap bars and have had complete relief ever since. You might want to check with your son's doctor next visit to see if he thinks it might be helpful for your boy. You can probably find the soap at Whole Foods, although I was able to buy it at a natural foods, etc. store a few towns over. If all else fails, there is mail order.

All Natural Olive Oil Bar Soaps from Kiss My Face
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