Canning 2024

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I'm not canning things, but I do make pickles. This year cucumbers are crazy. I put up two gallons for pickling, cost me $35. By the time you add hot peppers, I like to add, garlic and dill, it's over $40. Cheaper to buy ready made ones in the store. :(
We're cooking down blended white tomatoes, roma tomatoes, san marzanos, and black tomatoes, since 10 am still adding more at 5:30 pm to the 18 qt roaster. We'll probably can them around 9 tonight. We'll see if they are cooked down enough. The house smells like tomatoes.
I do not know what happened this year, but most of my currants died. Red ones for sure all 3 bushes died. Pretty sad. What kind of currants do you have?
Sorry to hear about your currants. have 5 red currant bushes ( had 3, but the got in the way of a new fence I was putting up, so I cut 2 in half, and the cut half survived as their own separate plant). I've tried black currants, but they're not very good, so Ill be digging them up this year.
I'm not canning things, but I do make pickles. This year cucumbers are crazy. I put up two gallons for pickling, cost me $35. By the time you add hot peppers, I like to add, garlic and dill, it's over $40. Cheaper to buy ready made ones in the store. :(
Not were I live....
I have to buy cucumber, garlic & vinegar
1 cucumber makes me 2 jars
Cost about 2 dollar in total so 1 dollar per jar.
Cost in the shop is about 3 dollar per jar and at least I know what's in mine :)
I don't count coriander, black pepper, cumin etc as I got more in stock than I can finish in the coming year
I make all our dill pickles and sweet sour (Emeril's recipe) with less sugar and salt. Our taste buds have changed and even though we use less salt and sugar, the pickles are still sweeter and saltier than most of our food, so they really stand out.
We let the tomato sauce cook down over night, it's good and thick this morning and we're canning it now. edit: 11 qts 1 pint
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Not were I live....
I have to buy cucumber, garlic & vinegar
1 cucumber makes me 2 jars
Cost about 2 dollar in total so 1 dollar per jar.
Cost in the shop is about 3 dollar per jar and at least I know what's in mine :)
I don't count coriander, black pepper, cumin etc as I got more in stock than I can finish in the coming year
what do you mean "1 cucumber makes me 2 jars"? Where are you located?
I use 1 cucumber for 2 jars of pickle.
And the same size jar is what I priced at the supermarket.
Southern Africa
I'll take pictures next time I make some.
Cucumbers are a bit difficult to find at the moment
@Badjak, I like hearing about your life in South Africa.

It's 87 deg F here 60% relative humidity, feels like 90's. I have buckets of tomatoes to can, that will have to wait until we are cooler this week.
I'm in Zambia though, it's north of South Africa, but part of Southern Africa :)
I live in the US in the midwest and have never lived in or traveled to Africa. I find it amazing with the internet and all I can 'talk' with you! Have you always lived in Zambia?
I live in the US in the midwest and have never lived in or traveled to Africa. I find it amazing with the internet and all I can 'talk' with you! Have you always lived in Zambia?
Born and raised in North Western Europe :)
Dunno yet.
I got land here and a house, so maybe I stay.
Maybe I sell up and move elsewhere.
I'm not much of a planner :)
That is a plan! I have the same one that goes, I have a house and land here, maybe I stay. Maybe I sell and go smaller, here or somewhere else.
We started tomatoes, washing, trimming, blending in the blender putting them into the 18 qt roaster late afternoon yesterday. Added another 3-4 qts before I went to sleep. Left it cook at 160 deg F overnight with lid partially on. Now canning them. 11 qts and 1 1-cup jar of thick tomato sauce.
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