Can we candy coat fudge?

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Senior Cook
Nov 6, 2023
Ok here’s a doozie!

I don’t even know if this can be done or even where to start.

Keeping in mind that fudge melts at lower temperature than chocolate, is it possible to candy coat a piece of fudge. I would like the coating to look like the coating on an M&M but for a square piece of fudge!

Has any one attempted this ?

All feedback/help would be appreciated!

Thank you
Hmmmm, interesting question. I have no clue what the answer is, but you piqued my curiosity.

I was thinking of melting some sugar to crack stage and then mix it with a little bit of milk and coloring. Let it cool and dipping the top facade of fudge in the mixture. But will this work ?? I have no idea 🤔🫤
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I would leave it to the folks that have already invested millions of dollars to perfect the process.

You might be able to use one of the magic shell recipes or products that are used to create a candy shell on ice cream but it would require refrigeration and probably wouldn’t last very long.

Quickly dip each piece of fondant into the hot syrup using a fork or other tool to evenly coat the surface. Be careful to make sure the syrup is hot enough, but not too hot, so you don't melt the fondant inside.
This thread reminded me of a local cult favorite, Nora’s Turkey Joints.

Turkey Joints are a candy coated chocolate nut fudge stick.

I have no idea how they make them.

This thread reminded me of a local cult favorite, Nora’s Turkey Joints.

Turkey Joints are a candy coated chocolate nut fudge stick.

I have no idea how they make them.

Thank you. The center chocolate seems to be rolled by a candy layer as opposed to being dipped. This is interesting!
We have a type called chicken bones. Thin centre of chocolate was coated in a thin crunchy pink candy with a cinnamon taste.
My kids always knew that was the perfect Birthday/Christmas gift for me - LOL nothing else needed.

Always had them in our Christmas Stocking Candy since I was a hatchling, back in the mid-forties. Recently though the crunchy outer candy had been thicker and you can't crush them with your tongue to the roof of your mouth. So I haven't had them in recent years. I should check them out again and see if they're the same.

Here they are! and here is the iteresting story behind the chicken bones. They are rolled by hand! Check it out!
I guess it's no surprise we had them as kids as my dad was from St John, NewBrunswick. He probably had them too!
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