What have you had for lunch lately?

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Oops, never noticed the autocorrect on the name. Piller's is a Canadian company of deli meats, sausages, etc. Here's their link to pillers
@dragnlaw they are allergen free, have all the normal hot dog ingredients, lightly wood smoked. I can't think of anything that would drop your blood pressure immediately. Do you have a blood sugar monitor to see if your blood sugar was in the norms? A low blood sugar can leave a person feeling dizzy and light headed.
There used to be a johnsonville cheddar wurst, my son and I craved those, with the cheddar melting and bursting out of it. They were so addictive.
@dragnlaw they are allergen free, have all the normal hot dog ingredients, lightly wood smoked. I can't think of anything that would drop your blood pressure immediately. Do you have a blood sugar monitor to see if your blood sugar was in the norms? A low blood sugar can leave a person feeling dizzy and light headed.
There used to be a johnsonville cheddar wurst, my son and I craved those, with the cheddar melting and bursting out of it. They were so addictive.
Those symptoms do seem to point to low blood sugar. My mother had type 2 diabetes. Before she learned to recognize the symptoms of low blood sugar, when her blood sugar dropped, she would act and feel like she was drunk, until someone got her something sugary to eat or drink.
My pressure drops many times after I eat. Spoke with the doc and told him - it's as if all my blood is headed to my stomach to digest - and he laughed and said "Dr. Dragn, why do you come to me with these things? You've got the answer. That's exactly what is happening".
My blood pressure has dropped drastically on many occasions. Mostly after eating but not always.
Luckily I can feel the blood draining from my head in time to get on the floor before hitting it hard. Learned to recognize it the hard way - LOL - once thought I had gotten to the floor in time, next morning looked at my forehead and saw a big bruise... guess I didn't get down fast enough!
It really doesn't happen all that often. This particular time was strange in that it was the only food I had eaten for a couple of hours. I am sensitive to sulphites/sulphates and so checked as processed meat almost always has it, but the ingredients didn't suggest anything untoward.
Another medical mystery. and no, I'm not diabetic - in spite of my neuropathy.
My pressure drops many times after I eat. Spoke with the doc and told him - it's as if all my blood is headed to my stomach to digest - and he laughed and said "Dr. Dragn, why do you come to me with these things? You've got the answer. That's exactly what is happening".
My blood pressure has dropped drastically on many occasions. Mostly after eating but not always.
Luckily I can feel the blood draining from my head in time to get on the floor before hitting it hard. Learned to recognize it the hard way - LOL - once thought I had gotten to the floor in time, next morning looked at my forehead and saw a big bruise... guess I didn't get down fast enough!
It really doesn't happen all that often. This particular time was strange in that it was the only food I had eaten for a couple of hours. I am sensitive to sulphites/sulphates and so checked as processed meat almost always has it, but the ingredients didn't suggest anything untoward.
Another medical mystery. and no, I'm not diabetic - in spite of my neuropathy.

Medical mysteries are real mysteries, aren't they? 🤔
When I had Covid, last Autumn, I had a fever and I found myself falling down the stairs because my legs just didn't want to move, I just lost my balance, or I fainted, I really don't understand what happened. After that, I couldn't stand up, this lasted for a day, just kept falling down, no strength in my legs, they felt like jelly 🙄. At the hospital they said my sodium /potassium levels were low and put me on an electrolyte drip. That did the job, so I thought it was just the Covid symptoms.
Another time, during the Winter months, I came down with a flu bug, cold, cough, high fever, not Covid this time. One morning I suddenly found myself on the kitchen floor, followed by a nasty, painful bump on my head! 🥺I take meds for hypertension and my cardiologyst said that losing consciousness was a consequence of my high temperature causing my blood pressure to drop suddenly, drastically, also because I had taken a paracetamol after my hypertension pill. This is still strange because I had taken them at least 8 hours apart! What's that got to do with it?
Anyway, all in all, doctors just keep telling me to drink lots of water, at least 1 and a half litres per day. 😀
I woke up from almost falling asleep, but I should be sleeping!
Mr bliss had that heat exhaustion, then 2 weeks later cut his finger, wrapped it up, passed out twice (not much blood at all). We're looking at liquid intake with electrolytes and next time I'm checking his blood sugar. He's due for some blood work. I make a quart of electrolyte lemonade with a dash of sodium for him daily.

@Meryl 1.5 liters of water is only a portion of the liquid you need. I would suggest you get more than that. It also depends on what else you are drinking and if you eat a lot of fresh veggies or fruits that are made up of 90ish% water, it should all add up to much more.
"The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determined that an adequate daily fluid intake is: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men. About 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women."
Paracetamol can cause your blood pressure to go down no matter when you take it before during or after your blood pressure medication. Lowering of blood pressure is a common side effect of paracetamol.
How are you feeling, are you okay of late?
We all need to take care of ourselves and falling isn't a good idea. Too many fairly serious complications happen if someone breaks a hip.
very good points guys and I thank you. I will keep it in mind for future "episodes" as a check list.

Back to lunches and brunches. Yesterday didn't eat until around noon. Into the pan went bacon, onion, mushroom, potato, red/yellow sweet pepper. All fried up to a yummy state. Then 2 eggs over easy. with some toasted Bavarian Sourdough bread.

I can tell you I was stuffed. Couldn't even finish the mixed pan and saved a small serving to have with... dunno... something later.
I woke up from almost falling asleep, but I should be sleeping!
Mr bliss had that heat exhaustion, then 2 weeks later cut his finger, wrapped it up, passed out twice (not much blood at all). We're looking at liquid intake with electrolytes and next time I'm checking his blood sugar. He's due for some blood work. I make a quart of electrolyte lemonade with a dash of sodium for him daily.

@Meryl 1.5 liters of water is only a portion of the liquid you need. I would suggest you get more than that. It also depends on what else you are drinking and if you eat a lot of fresh veggies or fruits that are made up of 90ish% water, it should all add up to much more.
"The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determined that an adequate daily fluid intake is: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men. About 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women."
Paracetamol can cause your blood pressure to go down no matter when you take it before during or after your blood pressure medication. Lowering of blood pressure is a common side effect of paracetamol.
How are you feeling, are you okay of late?
We all need to take care of ourselves and falling isn't a good idea. Too many fairly serious complications happen if someone breaks a hip.

I'm fine at the moment, thanks @blissful . Yes, I'm eating lots of fresh fruit and veggies, it's easier in the Summer. Oh yes, certainly 1 and a half liters of water is the minimum daily intake of fluids.
I hope Mr bliss is feeling better, you're taking very good care of him. He's in good hands😀.
On my way home, around 1:30, got a sudden craving for a hamburger. thought of stopping at a fast food of some sort - plenty along the way, but each time I got close - just couldn't do it. Ran into the grocers, grabbed some regular ground beef, brioche buns, baby spinach and bean sprouts. got home fried up some mushrooms and onion, a beef patty, stacked it all together ... delish! and stuffed.
probably won't eat supper.

and a small piece of brownie I made last night. :)
On my way home, around 1:30, got a sudden craving for a hamburger. thought of stopping at a fast food of some sort - plenty along the way, but each time I got close - just couldn't do it. Ran into the grocers, grabbed some regular ground beef, brioche buns, baby spinach and bean sprouts. got home fried up some mushrooms and onion, a beef patty, stacked it all together ... delish! and stuffed.
probably won't eat supper.

and a small piece of brownie I made last night. :)
Now I want a nice fat, juicy homemade burger with fried onions.
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