Garden 2024

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I don't think the clover takes over like that here. Maybe I just haven't been paying attention. BTW, I noticed today or yesterday that my irises are starting to get buds.
Maybe we have mutant clover up here.

I'm glad you said that about your irises. The person who gave these to me said they would all bloom this year, but didn't say when. I should go out and inspect mine again.
We're having a week of super hot weather. The good part is that the tomatoes have put on an inch in two days. They now have the rest of July to grow, since it's going to be hot for the rest of the month. The bad part is I need to stay on top of the watering. I can't sleep until after midnight because of the heat, and I can't nap during the day because of the heat. But I've been getting up at 5am to get the watering done. And we have a week of heat left to go and it's only going to get hotter going forward in the next couple of days.
Something broke off a tomato branch, 2 actually, around a foot above ground. We're pretty sure it is the deer, the yearlings, the brown one and the albino one.
We've been rabbit free for at least 10 days, so far.
I've been tied up in the kitchen all day, and after going through the gardens yesterday, twice, I can see I need to pick greens. The kale is great but the purple mustard is beautiful. I keep saying I'll get there, but I'm not there and the raspberry jam is taking longer than I thought. It might even be another day before I get that done, wash them, steam and package them. I took pictures but don't have time to upload them! Soon.
I've picked some cherry tomatoes, two slicing tomatoes, a small eggplant and a small batch of string beans. I see some peppers coming on the plants as well as some cucumbers. I also have enough okra for each of us to enjoy a serving.
We have no tomatoes ripening, most are tiny green. I'm expecting more blossoms. No peppers, no cucumbers. We are so behind everyone else. Wisconsin.

West flower garden. In June most of the flowers were the purple ones, now mostly the yellow ones.

There are three leaf types I don't know what they are but I like them.


Maybe poison something.

bunches of 25 garlic drying

The lettuce garden

Middle garden facing west. Peas and cucumbers on trellis.

Middle garden facing east.

One (out of two) patches of tomatoes.

Chard, purple mustard, assorted okra, beets.

Onion seeds forming in the east garden.

Squash and zucchini in the east garden.
@larry_stewart I wish you had that much land to play with too. But you'd have to retire!
It's only an acre and now too much for us. I bought it when I was 23 and planned on kids, between 2 and 12 of them. We had hoped to have room for the kids to play football, volley ball....etc.
MY kids moved out, and Im still growing for a family of 10 lol. I always say Im going to cut back, but I rarely do. And even if I cut back on one thing, I then replace it with 2 more things. The only things I sometimes go overboard with , are things that I can pickle, dry, can, freeze.... so its doesnt go to waste. I belong to a local cooking group on Facebook, and just gave away about 20 fig trees and another 10 strawberry pots. Someone then contacted me, letting me know the tthey volunteer for a community garden that donates their harvests to local food banks. She asked if I had any more strawberry plants to give to that garden ( She had missed out on the 10 pots I originally gave away). Being the nice guy that I am, I dug up 18 plants from my yard (That I wasn't planning on giving away) to give to her and that community garden.

Same bed, yellow beans first pic, green beans 2nd pic. First plantings are starting to wilt like the tomato did - the first planting is on eht outside the 2nd planting badly placed right beside them. Not a good judge of spacing am I.
Got Jalapenos! Yahh! Other 2 red peppers getting there.
Now the Eggplants - one is doing OK other 2 are ummm...

Roma wilting like first tomato plant did


I was about to pull this one and sudddenly realized it had not given up yet!
Tomatoes, eggplants and peppers are all in the same bed.
and this next tomato was a gift from a friend, got put in its own container against the patio. Is now almost a
good 6 ft tall.

and I did water tonight after all. I had said on the dinner thread I probably wouldn't but... for sure the front will be done in the early morning before the sun gets on it.
LOL - at the very last moment the head flew off the wand on the hose. Not even a month old. great :mad: :rolleyes:
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I noticed that one of those Thai Vesuvius (usually the earliest pepper for me, except when I grow Superchili) peppers is ripening today. As you can see, these peppers are almost all the same size, and they ripen about the same time - the reason I call them determinate peppers. The Thai Dragon behind it has some peppers forming - plant larger, but later, so time will tell if I get as many or more peppers, or as many flushes of peppers (usually get 3 with the Vesuvius).
Thai Vesuvius, starting to ripen. 7-10 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

The Datil and Red habanero plants are starting to set fruits, about normal time, since the end of the month is when they start ripening.
Datil peppers, just forming. 7-10 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Red habanero from nursery, just started to set fruit. 7-10 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

And a few things out front, to satisfy the bees, along with the herbs and veggies. They're just getting started.
2 colors of zinnia on one plant. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Zinnias,7-10 by pepperhead212, on Flickr
i was out at the gardens this morning running the sandhill cranes off. The neighbor called to tell me they were nosing around the middle garden!

These are the 'little gem' lettuce i'll be picking next time.

pretty mustard starting to go to seed

What the kale looks like before i pick it

kale sticks and little leaves left after i pick it

Different stem colors of chard. See the holes in the landscape fabric? That's what i plant the seeds in, and where i weed if needed-sure makes it easier to garden this way without too much space for weeds to take over.

my favorite this year, first time growing bok choy, some chard mixed in

The green is called tatsoi by baker's creek

The red is called bok choy purple lady by baker's creek

The nice thing about the bok choy is that it is just a bit thicker than lettuce but will substitute for lettuce in salads and add color, no bitterness. The green too. i like bitterness in some greens but he does not. And they can be harvested from the outside for leaves, or chop the whole heads and it can be use in stir fries like other greens, stems and all. i'm surprised at how much i like it.

AND after that i brought a wood tick in on me. now i itch everywhere.
You are obviously much cooler there than I am here, to still have all those greens! They look great!

I have an unknown lettuce variety (came in a "mix", and never could find it when I'd test similar varieties) that is the most heat resistant variety I ever grew, and on around July 4th it started bolting. Last summer, it produced until September, because the summer was so mild that it kept producing, longer than any lettuce I had grown before. The senposai - komatsuna x cabbage - just started bolting, too, and that usually grows into August. Here's that bolting lettuce, several days ago, and it's about a foot taller now!
Heat resistant leaf lettuce, finally bolting after all these days in the high 90s. 7-7 by pepperhead212, on Flickr
I put 3 trays of halved tomatoes in the dehydrator today - could have gone through that bowl I picked yesterday, as some are ripening quickly, but instead, I used the space in the dehydrator to put 3 more trays of eggplant into, since there are a lot more almost ready to pick out there. I got almost two trays of the gold cherries - Sunsugar and Zluta Kytice Gold, and I only missed one Sunsugar, when I was separating them. Shows how much darker orange they are.
Zluta Kytice Gold, and a few Bronze Torch, ready to go into the dehydrator. only missed one Sunsugar, the darker orange one on the right. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Sunsugars, and a few other types, ready to go into the dehydrator. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
I'm giving up on the strawberries. A doe got into the strawberries again and basically decimated them. She also bit down two of the giant sunflowers I had growing but I had too many for that pot anyway.

I just don't know how to keep the deer out of the strawberries. I don't know how she gets in. But it's depressing. I think I'm going to pull all the strawberries and then replant next year with the ones I wanted the first time. And keep them separate with netting over them.
Though I have not had this issue in the past, birds have been pecking my ripe tomatoes this year. Generally, one peck per tomato piercing the skin. I have a birdbath nearby and a tray of water next to the plants. Other ideas or just toss a net over them?
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