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Senior Cook
Feb 21, 2024

My son showed me these video and I thought you all might enjoy them too.​

Animation vs. Geometry​

By Alan Becker who has millions and millions of views..

If you are like me and it has been a while since you've exercised you math brain cells:-p
This is video is the explanation of the video above:
Oxford University Mathematician REACTS to "Animation vs. Geometry"

Alan Becker's other videos:

Animation vs. Math​

Animation vs. Physics​

Tom Rocks Maths also explains the other two videos on his youtube channel.
Animation vs. Math
Animation vs. Physics

I hope you all enjoy these as much as I did...

This post fell down with a thud. I knew it would. I do see the view count is pretty high so I know people must be viewing the videos. I guess the teacher in me created this post and you DC cookingites are my students .. ooops.. I mean victims... (insert evil laugh)

Seriously, though I hope you are all showing these videos to the school age kids in your lives and I hope that they inspire them to explore and enjoy math and how it affects every part of our lives. Even cooking...

Cheers :love:
This post fell down with a thud. I knew it would. I do see the view count is pretty high so I know people must be viewing the videos. I guess the teacher in me created this post and you DC cookingites are my students .. ooops.. I mean victims... (insert evil laugh)

Seriously, though I hope you are all showing these videos to the school age kids in your lives and I hope that they inspire them to explore and enjoy math and how it affects every part of our lives. Even cooking...

Cheers :love:

I do some of these tests from time-to-time, but I have to be in the mood for them. At some point, I may check out your recommended videos, but like I said, I have to be in that kind of mood.

Do you ever listen to Wait, Wait... Don't Tell Me on NPR on Saturdays? I love that show. It is a comedy news quiz. I like to play along, and it's always funny.

Hey CD
These are not test videos. They are very interesting videos of a stick man using animation to explain mathematics terms and concepts in an entertaining way. It explains things like the the Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci sequence and even Mobius strip and other higher mathematical concepts in an entertaining way. It introduces these concepts in ways everyone can comprehend. The first video is only 9 minutes. You should watch it.

I appreciate you sharing the NPR new quiz show. I too respond to comedy in everyday situations. To me comedy is an excellent way of coping with the "opportunities" or bad news and bad situations life throws at us. I adhere to "a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down."

I used to watch and old tv show called "In Living Color". The creator of the show said that to create comedy he would "find the funny" in situations.

That is how I view politics and national news. I try to find the funny. You know yourself in the good ole US of A.. we have quite a bit of funny in every election, in every tax raise and have mercy some of the silly laws that our legislatures pass are unbelievable. I make it a point to not talk about politics in public so you would never know which side of the isle I am on but I love to listen to comedians make fun of both sides. Gotta be fair and zing everybody.. LOL
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Hey CD
These are not test videos. They are very interesting videos of a stick man using animation to explain mathematics terms and concepts in an entertaining way. It explains things like the the Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci sequence and even Mobius strip and other higher mathematical concepts in an entertaining way. It introduces these concepts in ways everyone can comprehend. The first video is only 9 minutes. You should watch it.

I appreciate you sharing the NPR new quiz show. I too respond to comedy in everyday situations. To me comedy is an excellent way of coping with the "opportunities" or bad news and bad situations life throws at us. I adhere to "a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down."

I used to watch and old tv show called "In Living Color". The creator of the show said that to create comedy he would "find the funny" in situations.

That is how I view politics and national news. I try to find the funny. You know yourself in the good ole US of A.. we have quite a bit of funny in every election, in every tax raise and have mercy some of the silly laws that our legislatures pass are unbelievable. I make it a point to not talk about politics in public so you would never know which side of the isle I am on but I love to listen to comedians make fun of both sides. Gotta be fair and zing everybody.. LOLöbius_strip

Well, math and I don't get along well. My dad was an Engineer and math genius, and he could never understand why I got Cs in Math when I was young... at best. But, he later saw what I did for a living with my Art Degree from UNT, and realized he could not do the things I could do, and he "got it."

Like a lot of Americans, I watch late night TV shows to keep an even keel on politics. Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Jordan Klepper are good at making me laugh when the news shows make me want to pull my hair out. :ROFLMAO:

Well, math and I don't get along well. My dad was an Engineer and math genius, and he could never understand why I got Cs in Math when I was young... at best. But, he later saw what I did for a living with my Art Degree from UNT, and realized he could not do the things I could do, and he "got it."

Like a lot of Americans, I watch late night TV shows to keep an even keel on politics. Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Jordan Klepper are good at making me laugh when the news shows make me want to pull my hair out. :ROFLMAO:

Funny you should say you don't like math and your day was an Engineer. Well it looks like we both belong to the same club. My dad had an engineering degree and my mom and her side of the family will all math folks. I am the folksy arts and music person in the family. Many of my family members are profs at university and others of us our primary school teachers. I was not good in math growing up. When I first became a teacher I lied to my students. Yes, I lied. But it was for a good cause. I did not want any of my students to dislike math so every time I taught a math class I tried to make it entertaining to grab the kid's attention so that they would be motivated. I worked the hardest on my math lesson plans more than on any of the other subjects. The kids really responded. I wanted to instill in them the love of learning that I have. I can never learn enough. I would have been a "professional" student if I silly things like paying pesky bills didn't get in the way.

For me personally after watching the Physics video I am thinking of taking a refresher Physics class for fun next year as one of my goals for 2025. I hated math as a kid as an adult I really enjoy math.

Just watch the videos for 1 minute at a time. I think if you watch them you will be surprised at how they jog your memory and entertain you.

I am blown away that we both hated math as kids and had dads who were engineers... Gosh the world is so small. WOW
Well, I guess I'm in that 'small world'. My Dad was a Chemical Engineer, loved maths, and was a bit of a linguist.
Mom was the Jack of All Trades, Master of None - which is the class I belong to.
Geometry Tests were out of 10 if I remember correctly.
I would get 1 for showing the diagram.
I would get 1 for stating the problem.
I would get 0 for showing each step.
I would get 1 for the correct answer.
Unfortunately 3 out of 7 is not a pass. Why did I get the right answer almost every single time? Because it looked right! drove the teacher and my father nuts.
Algebra - if a over b+c = x+y squared - then somebody sure as heck doesn't know their alphabet.
I am blown away that we both hated math as kids and had dads who were engineers... Gosh the world is so small. WOW

I only hated math because I didn't get it. But, later in life, I discovered that it was the theoretical side of math that I didn't get. That is the math with all of the Xs and Ys that were supposed to represent numbers.

But, as an adult, when math meant money, I was completely on board. When the Xs and Ys are replaced with dollars and cents, it all makes perfect sense to me. ;)

I very, very rarely watch videos linked in posts. It has to be something that really interests me. Not to be snotty or anything, but these just don't. I'll bet I'm not the only one that viewed the thread, but didn't respond because I didn't watch the videos. View count on the post doesn't mean videos were watched.
I watched them and forwarded them on to my math and science teacher friends. They were great!
My son showed me the video and they blew up on the science fiction board he frequents. I think Alan Becker is a genius. I am so thankful for people who are that creative.

I am go glad you forwarded the videos to your friends. I hope they enjoy them. :)
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