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My basement front room is completed! What started out as a very small job turned out to be a total room remodel. I'm posting some photos. Two are the before and after pictures! The third is an ad someone gave me of my grandparent's diner and service station. I really hope I will be able to find a photo.

In the room, the counter top of the bar and the booth are from the diner. I love how the room turned out and absolutely love sitting in the booth. My parents used the booth as our "dining room table" for many years.

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Four digits for the phone number, how quaint! 😁
When I lived in Greenwood Lake, NY, if you were calling local, you just used the last four digits. It was great.
I was going to say, that I have lived in a place where you just needed to use the last four digits to dial a local number. We had a party line, so there was no such thing as a private conversation. The mayor lived down the road from us, even further from the central than us, but she got a phone that wasn't a party line.
We had a party line at the cottage but a private one in town. We were lucky as that even though it was a party line, we had a phone, whereas 90% of the other cottages didn't. When we came back from Europe and winterized the cottage then it was a private line. You got what you paid for!
In Europe you paid by the minute and Dad had an egg timer by the phone. He went thru those calls with a fine tooth comb.
What are you doing?

HHV Lagoon.jpg

This at the Hilton Hawaiian Village on Oahu. This is the Duke Paoa Kahanamoku Lagoon.
He was the native Hawaiian that won Olympic Gold medals.
Listening to my little fridge starting to buzzz. Wondering how hard I can hit it to make it stop before breaking a bone in my hand.

Protect your hand. Hit it with a stainless steel skillet.

But not a cast iron one?

Too heavy. Hard on the wrists.
I was going to suggest a wooden spoon. When I was a kid, that's what we used to use to make the TV stop making the picture wavy.
Working on making a Kanban Board for my refrigerator.
Kanban boards history:
Kanban explained

Where did the Kanban Boards originally come from?​

Kanban boards' history starts in 1963 on the manufacturing floor of Toyota Motor Company. There, Tachi Ohno has worked on the basic principles of the Kanban method, which included Kanban cards as a visual signal helping to control the flow of parts through the supply chain.

Around 2006, as the Kanban method was gaining popularity, software developers started to apply it to the common practice of visualizing and sharing project status by posting cards on whiteboards in the project room. Application of Kanban principles to the otherwise chaotic project boards gave them the columns and structure from which modern Kanban boards have emerged. Now they are successfully used in all kinds of industries and everywhere where visibility of work status helps to organize work better.

I am using mine to help me organize my time and household chores.
I had a grocery delivery today. I was expecting fresh dill. This is what I got:


I guess there was a not-wide-awake employee filling my order. It's not like they needed to know what dill or kale look like, when it's clearly labelled as kale. It's also a bit on the floppy side. It's in a jar with some water, like in a vase, right now in hopes of perking it up. I have asked for a refund. The store is pretty good about those. This is the store that once sent me a small beet instead of the celeriac I ordered. :ROFLMAO:
taxy, kale vs dill???? can't even begin to think what that person must have been thinking.

Which brings to mind -
who really likes the taste of kale?? If it wasn't good for you in vitamins, minerals or whatever - would you really and truly still eat it?
Be honest now, of course you don't have to post your answer, just want you to think about what you really like and why.
taxy, kale vs dill???? can't even begin to think what that person must have been thinking.

Which brings to mind -
who really likes the taste of kale?? If it wasn't good for you in vitamins, minerals or whatever - would you really and truly still eat it?
Be honest now, of course you don't have to post your answer, just want you to think about what you really like and why.
I like kale in some soups. I find kale chips to be more "moreish" than they are good. Not worth the effort in my opinion. I resent that kale has become a fad. It's overpriced. Why would I want to pay that much for cabbage, when kale isn't even a nice cabbage?

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