Finding the Right Paper for Your Air Fryer

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Assistant Cook
Jun 8, 2024
Recently, there has been a lot of talk in our cooking community about which paper is best for using in air fryers. Some people really like parchment paper, while others think wax paper is okay.

However, some people caution against using certain papers at all because they might have health risks.

This has left many of us confused, trying to figure out what's safe and what's not. Could we please get some expert advice on this? Let's clear the air (fryer)!
Using any paper in air fryers can pose a health risk. When you heat the paper, it releases harmful substances. These substances can end up in your food and have a negative impact on your body.
Using any paper in air fryers can pose a health risk. When you heat the paper, it releases harmful substances. These substances can end up in your food and have a negative impact on your body.
thinks to be worried. so you not use any paper in air fryer
Why would you use anything at all? I don't have an air fryer but I still can't see how the air would circulate if you are blocking it with paper or anything else. What is the purpose?
Anyhow parchment paper is safe in oven up to 450 so I don't see that as a problem. After that it starts to char - just like your steak and vegies on the grill. That's not good for you either but millions still do it.
Don't use waxed paper. The wax will melt and get on your food and on your air fryer. It could even catch on fire. Waxed paper is not meant to be heated when used with food. It's good for wrapping food. Leftover waxed paper is good for starting a fire. We used to do that in the Girl Sprouts.
We have an air fryer that was thrust upon us by a fan of AF. We used it a bit then set it aside. When we did use it, I just put the pull-out bucket and the insert into the DW and let it go. Never saw a need to line it.
You defeat the whole purpose of an air fryer if you put paper on the bottom.

It’s a convection oven that cooks fast and evenly by circulating hot air all around the food.

You should never block air flow in an air fryer. Otherwise it’s basically just a toaster oven.
You defeat the whole purpose of an air fryer if you put paper on the bottom.

It’s a convection oven that cooks fast and evenly by circulating hot air all around the food.

You should never block air flow in an air fryer. Otherwise it’s basically just a toaster oven.

Precisely, as above.
When it comes to using paper in air fryers, the choice between parchment paper and wax paper is crucial. Parchment paper is the preferred and safer option.
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When it comes to using paper in air fryers, the choice between parchment paper and wax paper is crucial. Parchment paper is the preferred and safer option.
I still don't understand the purpose of using any kind of paper in an air fryer. It blocks the airflow that makes the appliance so effective.
I still don't understand the purpose of using any kind of paper in an air fryer. It blocks the airflow that makes the appliance so effective.

se of paper in air fryer is helpful for easy cleanup and prevent food from sticking. Paper doesn't block air entirely if you use if correctly.
Recently, there has been a lot of talk in our cooking community about which paper is best for using in air fryers. Some people really like parchment paper, while others think wax paper is okay.

However, some people caution against using certain papers at all because they might have health risks.

This has left many of us confused, trying to figure out what's safe and what's not. Could we please get some expert advice on this? Let's clear the air (fryer)!
It never occurred to me to use any kind of paper in a cooking utensil that can heat up to 400 degrees

se of paper in air fryer is helpful for easy cleanup and prevent food from sticking. Paper doesn't block air entirely if you use if correctly.
I use a non-stick spray for easy cleanup and to prevent sticking. And I try to minimize the use of single-use items in my kitchen, so I'm okay with washing things in the dishwasher or by hand.
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