Wednesday, schmendsday...2014-09-24

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Chef Extraordinaire
Jan 2, 2011
Rural Ottawa, Ontario
Tonight, once the mammoth woodstove gets hauled in to the basement, it is grilled bacon cheeseburgers, coleslaw, french fries. Whatcha you havin'?
Tonight's entry in the "Andy eats whatever he wants" challenge is Pancit Bihon Guisado.

It's a Filipino rice noodle dish with Chinese sausage, pork and vegetables. SO does not like the Chinese sausages so I'm making it while she's in FL.
Recently found a local source for chevon, so I will be cooking DH's first goatburger with sister's tomatoes and our spinach and put by green hatch chili's on top.
We did breakfast. I made French toast and grilled some smoked sausages. We ate early since we were both hungry.
We're having stuffed red bell peppers and baked spuds. Steve will put together spinach salad.

You're having entirely too much fun Andy. ;)
Hope you're keeping a scrapbook.
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I spelunked some chili, and we'll have also have leftover crash potatoes.

And I agree, Andy is having way too much fun!


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Actually, you're being a very good boy Andy. There are sure some very naughty things you could be doing instead of cooking. Good boy.

Great pick guys! Not sad at all Rock....I'm gonna copy you soon.
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Meatloaf, roast potato wedges, and raw cauliflower, brocolli, and radishes with ranch like sauce for dipping.
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