Why men should not be left alone

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Looks like a picture of a job well done to me!:LOL:

And yea, they are called action figures, mostly cause 'dolls' doesn't sound nearly as manly....:-p Accepting of course the small green army men, those I played with as a kid.

Now we just need to get a good squirrel stew recipe to Expat and shes all set for when her man "a-comes back frum huntin dem critters".
You're getting the laugh of the day karma post.........after the horrible no good day that I had earlier it was so nice to come home and see Sherwood Forest's Finest..........I'm still waiting on the squirrel recipe but I know who and what is on First..............:):) and who goes into the gumbo pot after the wolverine........:):)
You're getting the laugh of the day karma post.........after the horrible no good day that I had earlier it was so nice to come home and see Sherwood Forest's Finest..........I'm still waiting on the squirrel recipe but I know who and what is on First..............:):) and who goes into the gumbo pot after the wolverine........:):)


Oh wait, who's going in first???????:huh:

Just so you know, Maverick's don't make very good stew meat....:sick:
I've held back long enough.

When Buck worked for the federal government, he was a film writer/movie producer for a large Navy ordnance installation.

At one point, the base was researching/investigating the effects of explosives on things/people. Everything was done in a smaller than "real" scale, so dolls/action figures were necessary for the initial test.

Buck and several of the other film makers went to the local Toys R Us store and purchased all the G.I. Joe dolls they had. I wonder what the store clerk thought about a bunch of strapping men buying a sack full of dolls.:wacko::wacko:

The guys, then, took the toys back to the base and loaded them with explosives and...

You fill in the blanks.

I would loved to have been the government clerk who had to approve and justify the purchase order for their expenditure.
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"Dolls of War" starring GI Joe as himself, and Barbie as the woman of his dreams that he must protect at all costs....
Hey, Katie, were those blow-up dolls that Buck and his fellow "researchers" were testing out?? Oh, my, what a funny story to share!!!! :);)

Is there a problem with blow-up dolls? I've met several that have lovely personalities and are fun to be with. No backtalk, no driving instructions, never criticize my clothing selection, and sitting in the passenger seat they permit me in the carpool lane on the freeway. :LOL:

This thread still has a lot of potential....
naw, it's just a lot of hot air.

katie, who knew that i could have had a future in the navy?

when i was a kid, we used to build little vietnamese villages (i'm dating myself here. hmmm, not in the same way as joev... :angel:) and would set up our g.i. joes in them. then as soon as we got our hands on some fireworks, lighter fluid, and sterno fuel, watch out!

the cool part was to time the explosions while joe drove his burning jeep through the middle of the village.
naw, it's just a lot of hot air.

katie, who knew that i could have had a future in the navy?

when i was a kid, we used to build little vietnamese villages (i'm dating myself here. hmmm, not in the same way as joev... :angel:) and would set up our g.i. joes in them. then as soon as we got our hands on some fireworks, lighter fluid, and sterno fuel, watch out!

the cool part was to time the explosions while joe drove his burning jeep through the middle of the village.

Ok, fess up Bucky. Just how many times *have* you seen Apocalypse Now? Probably had "Ride of the Valkyries" playing, too. :-p

We never did anything like that though. We just used magnafying glasses to trun the tar in the driveway into our personal La Brea Tar pits. :angel:
Is there a problem with blow-up dolls? I've met several that have lovely personalities and are fun to be with. No backtalk, no driving instructions, never criticize my clothing selection, and sitting in the passenger seat they permit me in the carpool lane on the freeway. :LOL:

This thread still has a lot of potential....

Tell me Joe, was this your bike at Roar on the Shore this past summer?


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