Where y'at New Year's Eve??

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Executive Chef
Jul 10, 2006
northern NJ
Lou and I are going to Jazz Standard in NYC for the first set of the Preservation Hall Jazz Band. The set starts at 7:30 but doors are at 6. That works perfectly because the tickets include a three - course dinner and we are loathe to be eating when the band is playing. It's the kind of music you simply have to get up to dance to. We'll be headed back home by 9:15, which is perfect too. Little worse than trying to get around the city close to midnight. We could be in the hot tub by 9:45 with any luck, and toasting the new year privately:brows:.

I have no idea what my kids are up to....I hope they have company at the house, rather than driving around.

What about you??
We are going to watch the Bengals trounce the Steelers and then we'll have to watch the Jets game to see if they lose (if they do, the Bengals get into the playoffs!). Other than that, we'll stay home and have snacks and drinks by the fire. I hope I can keep my eyes open til midnight!
We really don't have plans other than watching the Bears schmear the Packers (sorry MJ). In fact, I have invited MJ to my house for his viewing pleasure as we are not that far from eachother - I promised to make good food, too. My teen daughter has metioned a "small party" but I have to think of a reason that won't work. I am hoping it will be a quiet night with a toast at midnight, if I make it.
We're staying home, too. The last couple years we've found it's nicer to go out to eat another night and keep New Year's Eve casual--order pizza early and then have snacks throughout the night. I, too, will be pleased if I can actually stay awake 'till midnight!

Bucky, the invite stands if you want to come drop something off my roof at 12!;)
We'll do one of our nice comfort food dinners and a fancy dessert. We'll watch a DVD from the library and have cup of eggnog with dark rum as we try to stay awake until midnight.
We are going to our friends house. They are a very fun couple who love good drink and good food so we will be doing both :) They have a son a little older than our daughter and they get along great so that should be fun for the kids. We are going to spend the night too so we don't have to worry about staying sober to drive or worry about anyone else on the road.
We are going out to dinner at a restaurant that does california/mediterranean food. Their speciality is dessert, there are always 10-12 items on the dessert menu that change daily.
at home enjoying the peace and quiet (I hope).

the last place I lived was on the 12`th floor, and every year there was always some group of idiots that thought it was clever to launch fireworks towards the tower block. we had the penthouse, so what didn`t go off directly outside our window fell and went off on our roof :(

there`s a lot to be said for living at Ground level :)
Football football football
beer beer beer
champagne champagne champagne

We usually don't eat dinner on NY Eve and I let Mr HB choose the appetizers. (he has to feel in charge one night a year :LOL: ) So we'll probably have pigs in blankets, sweet & sour meatballs, crab dip and chili covered with cream cheese/sour cream topped with shredded cheddar then heated in the over....served with scoops. :pig: No crudite on his snack table.
We'll be celebrating at home with a movie and fried oysters. We live on a dead end road, the entrance to which is at a major intersection where the state police always set up a "check point" on New Year's Eve. That pretty well precludes having any guests that aren't staying the night.
It's OK, though...we never make it to midnight anymore, anyway.
Constance said:
It's OK, though...we never make it to midnight anymore, anyway.


I rarely ever make it to midnight unless I have to, holiday or not.

I can't remember the last time I saw the new year in, and that lack of recollection is not due to overindulgence of adult beverages!
We'll be going to a fancy schmancy, catered, open bar borefest at the home of dear GF's rich uncle's home here in Las Vegas.
A little later, we'll sneak off to watch the fireworks show over the Strip before heading home.

I'd rather head DOWN to the Strip early and have fun with the thousands and thousands of folks on Las Vegas Boulevard (which will be closed to vehicular traffic from Russell Rd to Sahara Blvd. at 5pm). I've done that before and it was a blast, but GF's family is in town and I'm sure they're gonna want to go to the party so, hey, whaddagonnado??


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We will go to our friends (neighbors) annual New Year's Eve party. Lots of food and drink (everyone brings a passing dish). We are all families who became friends through our kids knowing each other.
I'm thinking...double battered fried hot wings...2 or 3 sauces...
maybe a few sweets...
Then if we make it till the midnight hour..go outside...They ring all the church bells in town and the young folks do fireworks...Then we just might sleep through the whole thing....We never know!
This is what we do every New Years for a couple of years now. My sister and I along with our husbands go out for an early dinner at Assagio's. We're home just as it's getting dark because both of us have dogs that have problems with the fireworks noise. Her dog will bark and bark and mine will shake and hide. Hawaii goes all out with fireworks on New Years, and our dogs, along with everyone else with respiratory problems suffer with it. I wish they would ban fireworks.:mad:
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