What's on your plate Monday, 10-2-2017?

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
Can't believe nobody has started thread yet. We had the spaghetti and meatballs from the current BA Craig made this past weekend, as well as the garlic confit bread spread in the same issue, which I thought was just bordering on too salty, but all was really good.

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Well, GD mentioned that she had had Zucchini Crusted Pizza with her mom and that it was "good". SO liked the idea as she is low carbing again. The original thought was that SO and GD would have that for lunch and I would have leftovers.

Then GD got called for a flight and the ZCP was rescheduled for SO's and my dinner. In my humble opinion, even loaded with pepperoni, it was awful. SO liked it.
I put a sirloin tip roast in the sous vide at 6AM and let it do it's thing all day. Thirteen hours later, it came out looking (and tasting) great. Plenty of leftovers to have for lunch tomorrow, too.

Well, GD mentioned that she had had Zucchini Crusted Pizza with her mom and that it was "good". SO liked the idea as she is low carbing again. The original thought was that SO and GD would have that for lunch and I would have leftovers.

Then GD got called for a flight and the ZCP was rescheduled for SO's and my dinner. In my humble opinion, even loaded with pepperoni, it was awful. SO liked it.


Missus Dear Friend (who's Vegan/DF/GF) made us Cauliflower Crust Pizza :yuk:
I dunno, I mean, if you're gonna eat pizza, eat pizza!
I just can't wrap my head around folks (DC members excluded of course :blush:) who say they're vegan but then search out foods that are "like meat", I don't get that one, but I suppose to each their own, right? *shrug*

>edit: oh, dinner that's right!
We are having leftover Chicken Parm, a side salad and leftover Ciabatta (no pasta)
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Kidney and black bean salad w/chopped eggs, vinegar, oil, S&P, sour cream, chopped cooked onion.
Missus Dear Friend (who's Vegan/DF/GF) made us Cauliflower Crust Pizza :yuk:
I dunno, I mean, if you're gonna eat pizza, eat pizza!
I just can't wrap my head around folks (DC members excluded of course :blush:) who say they're vegan but then search out foods that are "like meat", I don't get that one, but I suppose to each their own, right? *shrug*
Being low carb, I've had to adapt, but I'm also not a fan of cauliflower crust pizzas. I've had really good luck with almond and coconut flower crusts. Trust me - they don't taste like almonds or coconuts. The vegan thing, I do get. I was vegetarian for a while back in the 90s, not because I didn't like meat, but because I had seen firsthand the way animals were raised for slaughter. I missed the flavor, though. These days I feel healthier when I have animal protein in my diet. :pig:

Chicken cutlets, mashed spuds, and sauteed stringbeans with red peppers courtesy of the News department. The news folks were stuck in the studio all day due to the shooting in Vegas, so they catered in order to keep the full crew on standby for breaking news.

Whomever made the mashed should not be a cook. Not professionally, anyway. They were a mix of gummy paste and chunks of both raw and cooked potatoes.
I saw a Chef John YouTube video a few days ago for Cider Braised Pork. It looked and sounded good. So, I did my own version of it today. Pretty much the same as his. When I tasted the meat and sauce as it neared the end of cooking, I decided it needed to be served on egg noodles, like a Beef Stroganoff.

I used Strongbow hard cider. It is a good balance between sweet and dry. I was very pleased with the flavor. I used a pretty good amount of black pepper to balance out the sweetness. The sage leaves, as well as the apple cider, were a good compliment to the pork shoulder.

I will make this again.




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Got home way late and way too late to even think about making dinner. The bright side is grandson said his 5th word today. Very clearly--- Grampa! If that isn't a slide into home plate, I don't know what is.

I made a sliced cold chicken sammie on toast with sliced tomato lettuce and mayo. Hit the spot. Cake for dessert.
Yeah, I can understand leaving some lumps, but you couldn't have made worse mashed potatoes than these. Half of the lumps were raw, and the part that wasn't lumpy was flat out gooey/gummy, like they tried to blend wax potatoes. :(

No biggie. You can't bitch about free food.
I did a bit of puttering and pickling today, so supper was leftover Thai Peanut Chicken over rice. I had a sad head of Napa cabbage that had been hiding in the depths of the fridge, so I trimmed that up and sauteed with a bit of peanut and toasted sesame oils, sprinkled with a touch of rice vinegar when it was done.


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Got home way late and way too late to even think about making dinner. The bright side is grandson said his 5th word today. Very clearly--- Grampa! If that isn't a slide into home plate, I don't know what is.

I made a sliced cold chicken sammie on toast with sliced tomato lettuce and mayo. Hit the spot. Cake for dessert.

Congrats, Whisk! That IS a milestone! I tell ya....the word 'Gramma' never meant so much to me as the first time I heard one of my grands say it. :wub:

Wonderful looking and sounding dinners, everyone.

I had sliced and gently warmed leftover rib eye from last night, a fried egg, and sliced 'maters.
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Lol, Whisk. Give that boy an extra hug for us,

I'll never forget my son's first words. He didn't speak actual words for his first 3 years or so, which made my wife worry to no end. She worked and worked with him to get him to speak, but he only spoke a little, and what came out was gibberish. She took him to speech therapy, and doctor after doctor praying that nothing was wrong.

Then one cold, clear winter night, I was carrying him into a restaurant when he pointed up and said, "Moon", then "Daddy, moon".

My wife was both ecstatic and annoyed at the same time.

Now he gets straight As in school, and almost never shuts up, which makes me ecstatic and annoyed, respectively.

OK, the latter is only for when we go fishing...
We had leftover chicken and mashed potatoes for supper, with a salad as our veggie. Had some pumpkin swirl cheesecake later for dessert.

Bucky, my daughter had to have speech therapy from the time she was 3 until she was either 8 or 9. She had multiple ear infections as a baby and they think it affected her ability to learn the words. She ended up taking a 6-week course of antibiotics to finally clear out all the liquid so she didn't need tubes in her ears.
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